Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: there will be cursing. All rights go to Uncle Rick. This is my first fan fiction so please be nice but you can give feedback.

Jasons POV:

I sat with Percy in the dinning pavilion. Poor Percy. After he had told me, he told me not to treat him any different. But I still felt bad and Annabeth was leaving today. I know they got bad nightmares when there were together. I can't imagine how it will be when they're apart.

Poor Percy. Percy has a biopsy today. Will, Percy, and I are heading into the city. Will's favorite half brother, Michel, agreed to let Will use an operation room, as the infirmary doesn't have the right stuff and Percy didn't want anyone finding out.

Will had already told us the plan. First we say we're going on a boys trip, Nico's visiting the Underworld, Frank is at Camp Jupiter, and Leo, well Leo was dead. Chiron was told we were going on a trip but Percy didn't even want to tell Chiron. We were going to the hospital, Will was going to preform the surgery, and then we were staying in a camp apartment for a couple days for Percy to heal.

***Time skip to leaving for the city***
***Still Jason's POV***

Will, Percy and I walked out of the camp, waving goodbye to our significant other(or significant annoyances.) We hoped in the van as Argus drove us down town. We hopped out at the apartment and thanked Argus.

We walked up the stairs, as Percy still hated elevators, and walked into the apartment.

"Ok, so we have 30 minutes till we need to be at the hospital, it will take us 5 minutes and we need to be there 15 minutes early. Y'all have 10 minutes till we're leaving." Will called out as Percy and I set our stuff down.

"Ok Will." Percy called out as he walked away.

"Got it Will." I responded, turning to him. I dropped my voice to a whisper, "Will, what should I expect from this?"

"Well the procedure is simple, it will take 15 or 20 minutes. After Percy is going to heal a bit in the hospital. Adding a bit of nectar and ambrosia should help him heal sooner." Will was talking fast,and I knew he was nervous.

I suddenly I felt bad for him. He had to preform a procedure that he's never preformed before on one of his friends. Everyone is always used to seeing Percy strong. Will was definitely nervous and stressed. Even I was nervous. I can't even imagine what Percy was feeling.

"Hey Will."


"It'll be fine. Both of you will be ok." At that Will looked a bit better but I could tell he was still stressed.

Percy walked out and looked at the clock, "We have to go."

We grabbed our stuff, Will a bag of a few demigod supplies and me with a bag of stuff for Percy's recovery. And of course stuff to keep an ADHD kid from losing their minds of boredom.

We walked the 5 blocks it was to the hospital and walked in. Michel was waiting for us and hugged his favorite half brother.

"Hey Will, how's my favorite brother?" He sounded kind and he smiled to all of us.

"I'm good, how are you?" Will and Michel chatted for a bit as he led us to an operation room.

"Alright, this room is booked so no one will come in. It's up to you now Will." And with that Michel left the room.

"Hey Percy, you need to put this on." Will held up a hospital gown and pointed out a room for Percy to change in.

"Do I have to?" Percy sounded like a whinny 3 year old.


"Fine." Percy went into the room to change.

"Jason, I need you to be Percy's mental support. I'm trying, but I can't be his doctor and his friend. Please just help him mentally."

"Of course Will." Once I said that, Will relaxed a bit and started to prepare his work space. Percy walked out of the room and Jason felt upset. His best friend, the two time savior of Olympus, the Demi-god in two great prophecy's, survivor of Tartarus, now looked so vulnerable in a hospital gown.

Percy, per Wills instructions, payed on the table on his side.

"Do you want me to walk you through it Percy?"

"No, that's ok Will. Just get it over with please." Percy sounded so helpless. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He was my bro, I could not let him go through this alone.

*If you don't like needles, don't want to hear about the procedure, or you don't like blood please skip this part. I won't be going too much depth but if you don't wanna hear about that please this part.

I looked up to see Will with a huge needle. I watched as he inserted it into Percy's hip. He winced as the needle glided in.

"Sorry Percy." Percy didn't respond, he just squeezed harder.

Once the medicine to numb his hip had kicked in, Will got out a knife. He made a slit in Percy's hip as Percy winced again. Will apologize again. Once the cut was made, Will got out an even larger needle and I turned my head away. Percy was obviously in pain but didn't say anything.

After a few minutes I turned my head back around to see Will stitching Percy up.

*If you skipped, start back here again.*

When he was done, Percy just lay there, his eyes tightly closed, his face scrunched up.

"You can go to sleep now Percy." Will said gently, we sat in silence as Percy's breathing became slower. When he was asleep, Will excused himself and left the room. Jason removed his hand, stood up, and looked at his friends. It hurt him to see Percy so vulnerable.

***Time skip, a few hours later***
***Percys POV:***

I was bored out of my mind. It had only been a few hours but I was ready to go. Will, Jason, and I were leaving as long as I could follow Jason's terms. I had to be in a when chair for the next two days, and I couldn't do any strenuous activity's.

So I agree, reluctantly, and Will was filing the discharge paperwork. I was in a wheelchair, pushed by Jason.

I saw a familiar pair of eyes lock with mine.

"Jason, turn me around." I didn't want her to see me like this.

"What?" But it was too late. She ran over to me.

"Perseus Jackson, explain." She demanded, sometimes she could be scarier than the gods.

"Hi Mom."

A/N Sorry, I said I would update yesterday but I am so busy. But it's out now. Bet you didn't see that coming though. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. :)

Word count: 1160

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