Chapter 2

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Dedicated to Marbear_thewise. Thanks for voting and giving me feedback

Disclaimer: there will be cursing. Also the pov changes in the chapter but I let you know. Lastly I don't care that's it's only 2 weeks after the final fight with Gaea, Solangelo will be a ship. All rights go to Uncle Rick. This is my first fan fiction so please be nice but you can give feedback. Hope you enjoy. :)

Wills pov

I look over the file and sigh. Poor little Harley fell off the lava wall. I mean who thought it was a good idea for an 8 year old to climb a wall with lava? But he lost his footing and got pretty burned. He's fine now thanks to ambrosia and nectar, but still. At least he was out of the infirmary now.

Anyways, I was trying to fill out the file. It's harder than it looks with dyslexia. I sat there filling it out as Percy walked in. He looks around as if he's looking for someone.

"Hey Percy, what can I help you with?" I ask. He looks over at me.

"Hey Will, Annabeth is making me come here because I am sick. It's not bad, you know how Annabeth is. If she asks I was here. Thanks Will" He turns to walk out.

I stop him, "You're sick? Percy it's not normal for Demigods to get sick. And if Annabeth is worried then at least let me check you're."

"I'm fine Will. And when have I ever been normal." We both laugh at that, " Fine, only if that will get Annabeth off my back."

I lead percy over to a cot and he sat down. "Ok so where do you feel sick?"

"My head is pounding, I have a stomach ache, I wake up in cold sweats, and I often feel dizzy."

Ok so normal sick stuff, except Demigods don't get sick. Wait. Oh no, this was bad. I tried not to show any emotion on my face. If it was what I thought it was, then it would be really bad.

"Percy when did you start feeling sick?"

"The day we closed the Doors of Death." I knew what he meant, the day he and Annabeth got out of Tartarus.

"Percy, you've been sick for over 4 weeks and you didn't tell anyone?" That stupidly loyal boy.

"I guess. I didn't think it was anything to worry anyone about."

"Percy." I start slowly, trying not to show anything is wrong, "Have you been getting nosebleeds?"

"Yes, I woke up Gaea with one." He looked deep in thought. "Will, what do you think it is?"

"I'm not sure, but I need to run some tests."

~~~~~~~~~Line Break~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I took his temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and I took his blood to do a CBC.

His temperature was a bit high but nothing to really worry about. His heart rate and his blood pressure was high. I grabbed a microscope to look at his blood. Percy was just chilling on the cot.

I looked in the microscope but didn't see any abnormal bacteria. I looked over to Percy to say so. "I don't see anything abnormal." I look closer, nothing was wrong. I zoomed in and my eyes widened. I look over at him.

"Percy, your white blood cell count is off the charts, but your red blood cell could is very low."

"What does that mean?" Percy looked kind of bored.

"I need to run more test. Come back tomorrow morning and I'll know bye then."



"Don't tell anyone."

"Are you sure Percy?"

"Yes, don't tell anyone." And with that Percy walked out.

~~Time skip presented by Monster Donuts~~
~~Dinner time~~

Nico's POV

I looked around the pavilion. Will wasn't there. In fact Nico hadn't seen Will all day. Nico walked out of the pavilion and went to the infirmary. If Will hasn't been seen, he was probably in the infirmary taking care of the patients.

Nico jogged up to the infirmary and entered quietly. Will was sitting at a desk. His head was down. He then lifted his head up only to slam it back down.  Nico heard him cursing in ancient Greek. (I used google translate so it's Greek, not Ancient Greek.)

"γαμώ γαμώ γαμώ." (Meaning Fuck Fuck Fuck)

"Hey Will are you ok?" Nico called. Will's head shot up.

"Ya I'm fine." Nico knew that he was lying but didn't know any to push.

"Ok. You just weren't at dinner so I just wanted to make sure you ok."

"Ya I'm fine. I'll come in a minute. Sorry it's just been a long day." Nico walked over to his boyfriend and hugged him. Touch was not something that Nico really liked but he could tell Will was having a bad day. When he pulled away he saw a file in front of Will. It was a blue file but Nico couldn't see anything on it. He just saw a piece of paper sticking out, with the words Perseus Jackson.

Percy's POV

" my cousin in Boston."


"Sea Weed Brain, did you listen to a word I said?" When I shook my head Annabeth sighed, "I said that in 2 days I'm going to Boston. My cousin has been missing for 2 years apparently. My uncle decided now was a good time to tell us that he's been missing and that my aunt died."

"Oh, how long will you be gone?"

"2 weeks Sea Weed Brain."

"Ok Wise Girl." Annabeth then walked over to her table for dinner as I walked over to mine. I still felt like crap and did not want to eat. I took a plate and gave part of my food to my dad, part to Athena, so she wouldn't kill me for dating her daughter, and part to Apollo hoping I would start to feel better. I sat down, no food left, and sat there. Will and Nico came in after a bit and Will looked upset. I wondered if he found anything. I zoned out as food and silverware sounds filled the pavilion.

Wills POV

How was I going to tell him. How was I going to tell Percy Jackson, 2 time savior of Olympus. How was I going to tell him that he was going to die.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Was this a good length? Also just wanted to say sorry for it being 2 weeks. I have been so busy with Finals and Solo and ensemble. I'll try to update next week.
Word count: 1o96

Percy Jackson, sick after TartarusWhere stories live. Discover now