Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: there will be cursing. All rights go to Uncle Rick. This is my first fan fiction so please be nice but you can give feedback. Also sorry about changing the POVs a lot.

Also this song is Take The weigh and it is one of my favorite songs. It is in the bonus track of The Lightning Thief Musical. This is what I was listening to while writing this. I always think of the scene in BOO when Annabeth is talking to Piper about all her insecurities. What do y'all think about from this song? Also just hope you enjoy.

Wills POV:

Shit. How was I going to tell him. I know that I have to tell him tomorrow morning. He might even ask now. It's fine Will, just tell him you don't know yet. I'll tell him in the morning. But how was I going to tell him.

I picked my head up and grabbed the file. I knew that Percy would not want anyone else to know so I stuck the file in an empty drawer and locked it. I knew no one would try to get in if it was locked.

I walked out of the Infirmary and over into the dining pavilion. Everyone was already in eating, so everyone stared at me as I walked in. I went over to get food and sacrificed some to my father. Please let Percy be ok and please help me help him. The food burned with a smell of summer. That was the only way I could describe the smell. It smelled like summer.

I walked over and sat at my table, in between my sister Kayla and my brother Austin, arguing about the best Star Wars character. When I sat down Kayla stopped arguing and turned to me.

"Will, why were you in the infirmary all day when we didn't have any patients?" Kayla asked.

"I was doing some paperwork and reorganized the infirmary." It wasn't a complete lie as I did organize some stuff and did some paperwork.

"Ok." Kayla didn't look completely convinced but she went back to her argument with Austin.

I ate quickly and hurried out of the dinning pavilion before Percy could ask me anything. I jogged over to my favorite thinking spot. It was a fallen tree in the woods. And only Nico, Kayla, and Austin knew about it.

I sat on the log and tried to think. I still didn't know what I was going to tell Percy tomorrow.

Nico's POV:

Will was acting weird. I mean he is weird but weirder than usual. He rushed into the Dinning Pavilion halfway through dinner, ate super fast, then nearly ran out.

I ran out after Will and followed him into the clearing that was his thinking spot. He was sitting with his back to me. I walked up to him and sat down next to him. He was zoned out, staring at a tree.

"Not thinking of cheating on me with a nymph, are you?"

As soon as I said that, he jumped. He gave a fake little chuckle and said, "No, just thinking."

"You've been acting weird, are you ok Will?"

"I guess, it's something that I want to tell you, but I can't, at least not yet."

If it was bothering Will then I wanted to know so I could help him. But he couldn't tell me. But I had a feeling it had something to do with that file.

"Ok." We sat in silence and snuggled.

***Time skip presented by Kronos***
***time skip to the next morning***

Percy's POV:

I walked into the infirmary, my mind racing. I could tell that Will was avoiding me during dinner, I was worried this might be something bad. As I stepped through the door, Will stood up.

"Here, we can talk in private in here." He lead me to an office and took a seat, gesturing for me to do the same. "Ok, Percy how do I say this. You have cancer." I just looked at him.


"It's cancer Percy. That's what's making you sick."

I was in shock but tried not to show it. "What's the next step then?"

Wills POV:

Percy was taking this surprisingly well. Too well.

"Percy it's ok to be scared." I didn't know how he was feeling but probably upset, scared, and more. That's how I would feel if that was the news I was told.



"Don't tell anyone, please."


"No please don't tell anyone Will."

"You need to tell at least one person. I can't be your doctor and your friend at the same time."

"Ok." Percy finally looked like he was processing what I had said. "Will, what happens now?"

"Well I need to run some more tests to see what kind it is, what stage you're in, and how fast it's spreading. We can start that tomorrow. But you need to tell someone."

"Fine, if I tell Jason tonight will that be fine."

"That's fine but you should tell Annabeth, she deserves to know."

Percy shuddered, "please don't tell her Will. I don't want her to worry."

"Fine." And with that Percy walked out and I started to plan what needs to be done.

*Time skip presented by Monster Donuts*
*time skip to after dinner*

Jason's POV:

After dinner I was bored so of course I challenged Percy to a duel. Percy agreed and we started dueling. It was just us two in the arena but Will was standing outside.

Percy and I dueled. Block. Dash. Stab. Slash. Stab. Block. Dash. Swerve. Block. Stab.

We kept fighting. Usually Percy overpowered me but today he looked tired. He was fighting slower and with less energy. He was probably just tired.

As he went to stab, I used the wind to push his sword off its course.

"Oh, so we're using powers now." Percy asked, instantly pulling water from the ground.

We fought a bit more and I noticed Percy getting more and more tired. I knocked Percy off his feet and started to stab, knowing he would more out of the way.

"Stop." Will came charging in. He hurried over to Percy, gave him a piece of ambrosia, and moved him over to a tree to help him sit up.

"You stupid idiot. I knew you shouldn't have dueled. I told you but you insisted. Then you use your powers! You're lucky with your condition you weren't killed." Will completely forgot I was there and was clearly mad at Percy.

"What do you mean condition?"

Wills face softened and he gave Percy an encouraging nod. "I have cancer Jason."

And with that my whole world seemed to shatter. My best friend, my bro, was super sick and was likely dying. The Fates are so fair.

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed.

Word count: 1146

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