🥀 Flashbacks and Dreams 🥀

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Back in the castle in the beast's bedroom the beast could be heard growing in pain as Y/N helps tends the wounds that were caused by the wolves. "That hurts!" The beast said turning away from her like a child "If you held still, it wouldn't hurt as much" Y/N said holding the rag she used to clean the wounds with, the beast turned back towards her "Well, if you hadn't run away, none of this would have happened" "Well, if you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have ran away" "Well, you shouldn't have been in the west wing" "Well, you should learn to control your temper" from the middle of the bedroom Lumière, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Chip and Plumette could be seen watching the two argue back and forth. With a huff the beast turns back around, his back facing Y/N. Y/N looks at his back as scars and more wounds could be seen, she goes to clean them with the rag before stopping and moving her hand away "Try to get some rest" she then stood up and started walking away from the bed "Thank you, Miss" Mrs. Potts said to Y/N "We are entirely grateful" Lumière added, "Why do you care about him so much?" Y/N said making her way closer to them "We've looked after him all his life" answered Mrs. Potts, Y/N looked at the beast before turning back to look at the others "But he's cursed you somehow. Why? You did nothing" the others looked at each other before Mrs. Potts answered "You're quite right there, dear. You see when the master lost his mother and his cruel father took that sweet, innocent lad and twisted him up to be just like him. We did nothing" everyone was silent before Lumière spoke "Let him sleep", Y/N stayed for a little longer and looked at the sleeping beast while the others left the room.

- Flashback -

The young prince could be seen standing next to his mother who was sleeping in her bed.

🎶 Days in the sun
When my life has barely begun
Not until my whole life is done
Will I ever leave you 🎶

The prince's father walked and placed both hands on his shoulders and guided him away.

- Flashback over -

Later that night the beast could still be seen asleep in his bed. Meanwhile the sound of music could be heard from the ballroom with the coat rack playing violin and Maestro Cadenza singing.

🎶 Will I tremble again
To my dear one's gorgeous refrain 🎶

Lumière and Plumette could be seen dancing together in front of Maestro Cadenza.

🎶 Will you now forever remain
Out of reach of my arms
Oh, those days in the sun
What I'd give to relive just one
And bring back the light 🎶

Chip and Mrs. Potts who were also in the ballroom cuddle up against each other before Chip lets out a yawns and jumps of the tray table onto a bookcase filled with towels "Night, Mama", Mrs. Potts follows him and tucks him in, placing a small cloth over him.

🎶 Oh, I could sing
Of the days these dark days bring
The spell we're under
Still it's the wonder of us I sing of tonight 🎶

De Garderobe and Y/N were standing in front of each other, Y/N listening to De Garderobe sing before joining in herself.

🎶 How in the midst of all this sorrow
Can so much hope and love endure
I was innocent and certain
Now I'm wiser but unsure
Days in the past
I can't go back into my childhood
Oh, these precious days couldn't last
One that my father made secure
I can feel a change in me
Oh, held me closer
I'm stronger now but still not free 🎶

In the morning Y/N sat by the beast's bed and held her hand on the beast's forehead to see if he had a temperature with the others all watching.

🎶 Days in the sun
Will return we must believe
As lovers do
That days in the sun
Will come shining through 🎶

"What happens when the last petal falls?" Y/N asks looking at the rose that stood on the other side of the room "The master remains a beast forever and we become-"Lumière started to answer before Mrs. Potts interrupted him finishing his sentence "Antiques" "Knick-knacks" Lumière said "Lightly-used houseware" Plumette added "Rubbish, we become rubbish" Cogsworth mumbled. Y/N moved and sat down on a chest that sat and the end of the bed right in front of them "I want to help you, there must be some way to break the curse" "Well there is one" Cogsworth started before getting hit on the chest by Lumière "It's nothing for you to worry about, lamb, we've made our bed and we must lie in it" Mrs. Potts said reassuringly. Y/N looked at her before looking back at the rose, watching as a petal fell off, not noticing the beast waking up behind her.

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