🥀 One very long night 🥀

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That night a storm came as Y/N's father and Philippe was trotting through the woods. "The woods are lovely, I only wish I recognised them" Y/N's father said as he looks around "Do you know where we are Philippe? Because I don't" all of a sudden lightning strikes a branch in front of them which made Philippe jump and whine "It's all right. It's all right, Philippe" Y/N's father said calming the horse down. Y/N's father looked around and spotted a clear path "Yes, we can go this way" he says "Go on, to the right" Philippe started trotting down the path "That's it. Steady! Walk on" "One path closes another one opens". Y/N's father glanced around again this time noticing a bit of snow "It's alright boy, it's just a bit of snow...in June, mind your step it's slippery" Y/N's father nor Philippe had noticed an unfriendly group of wolfs sneaking up behind them

"Go! Go, Philippe! Come on! Come on!" Y/N's father said as Philippe started to gallop, wolfs could be heard growing and howling behind them, chasing them. The wolfs started to run around them, surrounding them "Go! Philippe go! Go, go!" A piece of the trailer broke near the wheel and the wolfs were getting closer, Philippe starting whining while the harness he was wearing had snapped and Y/N's father flew out and landed on the edge of a small cliff not far away, Philippe who was still getting chased by wolfs ran. Y/N's father started to climb the small cliff but there in front of him was another wolf growling Y/N's father turned to climb back down but saw a few more wolfs waiting for him at the bottom "Philippe!" He yelled, Philippe galloped towards the cliff and Y/N's father jumped off the cliff onto Philippe "Go boy, go!" Wolfs could still be heard behind them growling. Y/N's father and Philippe ran through what looked to be an old gate and the wolfs finally stopped. "Oh, Philippe, you saved my life" Y/N's father said now full of relief as him and Philippe trotted around the large garden "Well done. Yes" "They'll have to get their dinner somewhere else, won't they?" Y/N's father let out one more sigh of relief before getting of Philippe, "Look there's hay" he said now pointing in front of them noticing a feeder "And water, you're all set, my old friend" he pulled Philippe towards the feeder before saying "I'll go pay my respects to our unwitting host...whoever that may be" and started walking up the steps that were seen right next to the feeder.

Once Y/N's father got to the top of the staircase he slowly made he's way to the front door which started opening almost as if a ghost was letting him in and made he's way inside while thanking the door "Thank you, thank..." he stopped talking and closed the door not wanting to let the cold air in and looked around "Hello? Sorry to intrude, I'm just a traveler...seeking shelter from the storm, sorry to disturb you" Y/N's father found a coat rack and took his coat off before hanging his coat up "Anyone home? Anyone awake?". From a distance a candle stick and a clock could be seen watching Y/N's father "He must have lost his way in the woods" "Shut up, you idiot", Y/N's father heard this as he turned towards them "Excuse me?" he slowly walked towards them and stared "Hmm" he reached out and touched the clock looking at it in awe "Beautiful" he then moved towards the candle and picked it up "Extraordinary", all of a sudden music could be heard playing, Y/N's father set down the candle stick and started walking towards the music straightening his clothes and patting down his hair, still watching him the candle stick turned towards the clock and said "A man of taste" before the clock replied "He was talking about me".

Y/N's father still following the sound of the music walked into a room where he saw a piano which seemed to be playing on its own. Now in confusion Y/N's father started to stutter not knowing what to say before walking off. "Well, wherever you are...I'm just going to warm myself by the fire" he walked towards the other side of the room where a fireplace stood with a couple of chairs around it, "Oh, that's better" "Oh, much better" he turned around with his hands on his knees before hearing clattering in the distance, he made his way to what looked to be a big dining room, on the dining table was some food "Oh, thank you" he says as he quickly makes his way to the food, he started eating when a cup and saucer started to come towards him Y/N's father stared at the cup as it starts to speak "Mum said I wasn't supposed to move because it might be scary" this causes Y/N's father to raise an eyebrow while the cup apologises "Sorry" still processing what's happening Y/N's father is silent for a few seconds before replying "It's all right" then quickly ran out the room. "I...uh...cannot thank you enough for your hospitality" Y/N's father says as he quickly grabs his coat and puts it on before making his way to the front door and opens it "I'll..uh...bid you adieu and goodnight" he closes the door.

"Come on, Philippe! Go! Go!" Y/N's father said on the way out before quickly saying "No, no wait, wait!" suddenly remembering what Y/N had ask him to get her "Roses, I nearly forgot" he gets off Philippe and says "We're safe here, I promised Y/N a rose" he grabs Philippe's reins and pulls him to a near by pole and ties the reins before going back to the garden in search of a rose, unaware of the beast who was watching him from above. Y/N's father finds a beautiful white rose and walks to it and tries to pick it when a thorn pricks him, Philippe starts grunting and huffing while the beast watching growls, Y/N's father goes for the rose again and this time successfully picks the rose before the beast jumps out and roars, Y/N's father drops the rose and walks backwards before falling to the ground, Philippe's reins snap and he runs of, leaving Y/N's father with the beast looming over him.

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