🥀 Dress up 🥀

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"You must forgive first impressions, I hope you are not to startled" Lumière said as him, Cogsworth and Y/N were on their way to Y/N's bedroom "Why would I be startled? I'm talking to a candle" Y/N said "Candelabra, please enormous difference, but consider me at your service. This castle is your home now so feel free to go anywhere you like" "Except the west wing" Cogsworth interrupted, Lumière quickly shook his head which made Clogswroth quickly say "Which we do not have" "Why? What's in the west wing?" Asked Y/N "Oh, nothing, nothing storage space that's it" both Lumière and Cogsworth answered "This way, please. To the east wing" Cogsworth said leading the way "Or as I like to call it, the only wing, watch your step, s'il vous plait!" Lumière said.

Cogsworth opened a door and Lumière jumped out of Y/N's hand before opening another door and saying "Welcome to your new home" Y/N walked in and looked around, the room was filled with blues and golds and had a big gold chandelier hanging down in the middle "It's modest, but comfortable" "It's beautiful" Y/N said still looking around "But of course, master wanted you to have the finest room in the castle" Lumière said before jumping on to the bed which caused a big fog of dust to fly off "Oh, dear. We were not expecting guests". All of a sudden a feather duster that looked like a swan flew down "Enchantèe, mademoiselle don't worry, I'll have this place spotless in no time" the feather duster flew around the room cleaning dust of the mirrors and then landed next to Lumière who immediately wrapped his arms around her 'waist' "This plan of yours is dangerous" she whispered "I would risk anything to kiss you again, Plumette" Lumière whispered before trying to lean in for a kiss "No, my love. I've been burned by you before, we must be strong" Plumette said leaning away from Lumière "How can I be strong when you make me so weak" Lumière said leaning in for another kiss before Cogsworth interrupted him with a cough while gesturing to Y/N who was standing next to him watching the two. Y/N then looked away and turned when she heard some snoring coming from in the room, Y/N walked up to a desk and picked up a hairbrush "Is everything in here alive?" She asked before trying to talk to the hairbrush "Hello. What's your name?" Plumette laughed while Lumière facepalmed "That is a hairbrush" Cogsworth said also laughing, Y/N quickly put down the hairbrush in embarrassment until she jumped when the wardrobe next to her opened and started singing "Do not be alarmed this is just your wardrobe" Lumière said pointing at the wardrobe, he got of the bed and started walking towards them "Meet Madame De Garderobe. A great singer" "When she can stay awake" mumbled Cogsworth, De Garderobe heard him and said "Cogsworth! A diva needs her beauty rest" and yawned "Ah, stay with us Madame, we have someone for you to dress!" Lumière said gesturing to Y/N "Oh! Finally a woman" De Garderobe said while grabbing Y/N's forearms and pulled her closer "Pretty eyes" she said moving her 'hands' to cup Y/N's cheeks "Proud face, perfect canvas. Yes! I will find you something worthy of a princess" "Oh, I'm not a princess" Y/N said shaking her head "Nonsense! Now let's see what I've got in my draws" De Garderobe's bottom draw flew open and butterflies flew out "oh, how embarrassing" she mumbled and then pulled out a big, beautiful, striped ballgown skirt "Froufrou, come help mama!" She then yelled while putting the skirt on Y/N. A stool came running out and barking like a dog and ran to De Garderobe who was covering the skirt in pink and purple ribbons, Froufrou grabbed one end of the ribbon and pulled making Y/N let out a gasp before a big white curly wig with pink bows on the side was placed on Y/N's head "Perfecta!" De Garderobe yelled once she and Froufrou were done dressing up Y/N. "Subtle, understated, I love it! Au revoir" Lumière said as he, Cogsworth and Plumette went and left the room "Froufrou, send my love to the maestro!" De Garderobe yelled out as Froufrou also left the room, once the door closed De Garderobe bent over still with her draws and doors open and fell asleep Y/N took of the wig and dropped it to the floor before getting out of the dress, then she ran towards one of the windows opened it and looked down seeing how high up in the tower she was, Y/N then came back in and turned around before getting another idea.

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