🥀 Am I odd? 🥀

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Y/N walked into her house where she was met with music coming from a music box that was sitting next to her father who was fixing up a clock.

🎶 How does a moment last forever
How can a story never die
It is love we must hold on to
Never easy but we try
Sometimes our happiness is captured
Somehow a time and place stand still
Love lives on inside our hearts
And always will 🎶

"Oh, Y/N" says her father as she walked up to him "Hmm.. could you hand me a-" he stops when he sees that Y/N had already got him the tool he needed with a warm smile on her face "Thank you" he says as he takes it from her "And I also need- no no...actually yes, that's exactly what I need, thank you" he says taking the gear she handed him. He puts the gear inside and looks up at her with a smile. Y/N stood up straight and grabbed a music box taking it with her around the other side of the desk "Papa, do you think I'm odd? She asks placing the music box down on its side "Odd?" Her father asks her looking up at her. "My daughter? Odd? Where did you get an idea like that" he asks her "I don't know, people talk" she replied "This is a small village, you know, small minded as well" he said still looking at her "But small also means safe, even back in Paris I knew a girl like you, who was so ahead of her time, so different. People mocked her, until the day they all found themselves imitating her." Y/N walked up to her father "Please just tell me one more thing about her" her father looked back at the clock he had been fixing "Your mother was...fearless. Fearless" he replied looking back at his daughter who was standing next to him a small smile on her face.

Y/N's father walked out the house carrying a box and placed the box inside the back of the trailer. He climbed on and sat at the front as Y/N who had been petting the horse who would be pulling the trailer walked up to stand next to the door "What can I bring you from the market?" He asks looking down at her "A rose, like the one in the painting" she replied "You ask for that every year" he says "And every year you bring it" "Then I shall bring you another, you have my word". "Goodbye, Papa" Y/N says before making her way to the front door "Goodbye, Y/N" Y/N's father grabbed the reins "Come on, Philippe, you know the way" Philippe starts pulling the trailer "I'll see you tomorrow!" Y/N yelled "Right. Tomorrow, with the rose" Y/N watches as her father and Philippe get further and further before whispering "Stay safe".

Y/N was sitting at home drawing, when suddenly she got an idea. She made a little sack and filled it with flower petals and went outside. A little girl watched as a donkey walked round a fountain in a circle pulling a barrel that had some clothes soaked inside "What are you doing?" She asked "Doing the laundry" Y/N replied as she sat on one of the walls with her sketchbook on her lap, the little girl looked at her confused "Come, come" Y/N said. "The blue bird..." Y/N read to help start the sentence for the little girl "That flies...over..the..dark..wood" the little girl read "That was amazing!" Y/N praised with a big smile on her face "What on earth are you doing?" A man asked who had been watching the whole time "Teaching another little girl to read? Isn't one enough?" A woman who had heard the man came over "We have to do something" she said then her and the man walked away, seconds later a bang came and the man and woman had knocked over the barrel that contained Y/N's laundry, Y/N ran over to pick them up with the help of some villagers who were walking by.

"You are the wildest most gorgeous thing I've ever seen" Gaston said while looking at himself in the mirror "Nobody deserves you, but at least I know our children will be beautiful". "Am I catching you at a bad time?" Lefou asked now standing right behind him "What is it, Lefou?" "A certain damsel is in distress" he replied, Gaston smirked "Ah, its hero time" he straightened up his jacket "I'm not done with you yet" he said to himself in the mirror before walking of, Lefou walked up to the mirror "Me neither" then quickly followed Gaston. "Y/N! I heard you had trouble with the Headmaster" Gaston said leaning on the gate that led to Y/N's front garden "He never liked me either" Y/N ignored him and carried on walking into the garden "Can I give you a little advice about the villagers though? They're never going to trust the kind of change your trying to bring" he climbed over the fence and walked up to her crushing the cabbages that were growing in the process "All I wanted was to teach a child to read" Y/N said after looking at the now crushed cabbages "The only children you should concern yourself with are your own" Gaston said pointing to himself before pointing to her, looking disgusted Y/N tried to walk away "I'm..." she started before Gaston moved in front of her "..not ready to have children" she finished walking the other way around Gaston before closing another gate, "Maybe you haven't met the right man" he said "It's a small village, Gaston. I've met them all" "Well, maybe you should take another look" Gaston said quickly following her "Some of us have changed" "Gaston we could never make each other happy, no one can change that much" Y/N said while walking up the steps wanting to be done with the conversation "Oh Y/N, do you know what happens to spinsters in this village after their father's die? They beg for scraps, like poor Agathe" he says before gesturing to a woman who's standing on the other side of the street "Coins? Got any spare coins? Please" "This is our world Y/N, for simple folk like us, it doesn't get any better" he says before grabbing on to Y/N's skirt, pulling on it as he walks up the steps "I might be a farm girl" she says pulling her skirt out of Gaston's grip "But, I'm not simple...and I'm not going to marry you, Gaston I'm sorry" she slips through the door and closes it making sure Gaston doesn't follow. Gaston stands there and sighs frustratedly before walking off as if nothing ever happened. Y/N stood her hands still on the door listening to Gaston walk away before opening it again watching as Gaston walks further and further.

🎶 Can you imagine?
Me? The wife of that boorish brainless
Madame Gaston, can't you just see it
Madam Gaston, his little wife
Ugh! No sir, not me, I guarantee it
I want much more than this provincial life
I want adventure in the great wide somewhere
I want it more than I can tell
And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more than they've got planned 🎶

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