Part 2: Chaos Unleashed

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The hilltop

Standing on top of the hill, watching the battle unfold were the reserves of the allied troops of Akelon and Alpen. Behind them, a ceremony was taking place.

"They brought their fire priestesses with them," said Paulus, a soldier from Akelon. "The Fire Sisters they are called."

"Fire Sisters. They can light my fire any day," said the man standing next to him, Galus.

"Be careful, apparently they have the ability to light fires just with the power of their minds. So yeah, they will light your fire, but you might not survive the ordeal," laughed Paulus.

"Okay, no dirty thoughts then," said Galus,"but why are they here?"

"The Fire Sisters usually bless the soldiers swords with fire before battles," said Paulus, his eyes watching the strange ceremony unfold.

"Sister Kassee, please do the honor," said a lady dressed in a white robe, her hands spread wide as if to embrace an invisible force.

"Thank you Sister Ophelia. It is to be done," replied a woman standing in the front.

She began reciting.

"Oh Martan, the god of war, give our troops strength and courage. Oh Funak, god of healing, keep them healthy and alive. Oh Saxona, goddess of communication, keep their spirits high," chanted Sister Kassee. "Oh sacred fire, keep their hearts and minds inflamed, so they carry us to victory."

Three Alpen soldiers came up to them. Lighting a fire, the Fire Sisters dipped their swords into the flames.

"It is done. Go forth."

To the side, stood another group of women. Dressed in light blue robes, they carried jugs of water.

"The Water Sisters," whispered Paulus.

They too enacted the same ceremony, blessing the men before battle. Three other Alpen soldiers walked up. The Sisters poured water on their hands, wishing them luck for battle.

As soon as the ceremony was done, the women rushed off.

"The carriages are ready," shouted someone in the back. The Fire Sisters, followed by the Water Sisters, quickly ran towards them. Getting in, they were sped off the battlefield.

"Why did they run off like that?" Galus had a puzzled look on his face.

"They cannot be captured. It would bring bad omens to their kingdom," replied Paulus.

There was a new look of determination about the Alpen troops after they received their blessings. They eagerly scanned the battlefield, awaiting the command. It wasn't time yet.


King faces king

On the plain below, complex maneuvering had turned into an all out chaos. The renowned Golden Riders of Astal threw themselves at the Dasmoydan king's guard. Their swords slashing, the horsemen managed to cut away at their enemy's defenses.

Yet, even this assault did not deter the enemy king from pursuing his goal. As the Golden Riders engaged one part of his formation, the other parts were already starting to cut through. With the Akelonian mercenaries in tatters, the defensive line designed to hold the Dasmoydanian forces back was failing. 

Faikel was fighting hard. Taking careful steps around the dead bodies scattered all around him, there wasn't much room to maneuver. Most of his mercenary comrades had fallen, the Dasmoydanians taking over their positions. 

Not that far from him, he could see the allied knights from Alpen trying to hold their part of the line, even advance. Their king in particular had thrown himself into the battle with an added frenzy. 

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