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Next Day:
Nithya was getting ready for her college when her mobile gets a message"Hi". Nithya sees the message and ignores it. She gets another message "Please come to the beach in the evening". She ignores it and turns her mobile to silent.

Nithya MV: What does he think of himself. He scolded me when he was angry and now asking me to come to the beach. Why will I go? I am so mad at him. I will not go. But why is he calling me? Is it anything important? Does he want to say sorry to me? uhh Nithya! don't think about all these. You are angry with him you will not talk to him. Stick to that.
In the evening:
A girl is sitting infront of the beach scolding someone. Well it is Nithya.

Nithya: He asked me to come here but he himself has not come. I am an idiot to come and wait for him.

Just then she hears a throat clearing sound from behind and there standing Rudra with a smile on his face.

Rudra: Sorry! I am late. I was struck with the last minute work.
Nithya listened to him and turned her face towards the beach.

Nithya: Yes I know Sir! You are very busy. But can you tell me why you called me here. I also have a lot of work to do.
Rudra sighed and sat beside her and called her.

Rudra: Nithya!
Nithya does not respond to him.
Rudra: Nithya! Please look at me.
Nithya turned towards him.
Rudra: I am so sorry Nithya. I did not mean to say all that to you. I was worried about Ma! and lost it on you. I never meant that non sense. You are my friend.
Nithya: No, I am not your friend You said I am taking advantage of your friendship. I dont want to be friends with you. I understand you are worried about aunty. But never expected you to talk to me like that.
Nithya said with tears in her eyes. Rudra panics and sit infront of Nithya snd continues

Rudra: Hey Nithya! Please dont cry. See! I have never said sorry like this to anyone. I don't even know if I am convincing you properly. But please believe me I am genuinely guilty. I promise I will never repeat this. Please talk to me.

Nithya listens to him carefully and understands that he is sorry about his outburst.
Rudra: Please Nithya. I promise. Dont be angry. I promise on your chocolate icecream.

Nithya giggles listening to him.
Rudra: Thank god! You smiled.
Nithya: Ok I forgive you this time. But If you repeat it then I will not talk you.

Rudra laughed listening to her and sat beside her.
Rudra: Thank you!  So we are good and back to friends.
Nithya: Not until you buy me a chocolate icecream and runs towards the icecream boy.
Rudra saw her and shakes his head in amusement.
Then they were walking along the seashore and talking about random stuff.
Well it is Nithya who is blabbering and Rudra is looking at her constantly. Nithya looks at him and asks him What? by raising her eyebrows.

Rudra: Nothing! 10 min ago you were angry with me and now taking about every other thing in the world non stop. How are you so good Nithya? Why are you so good?
Nithya: Yes I was angry with you. Actually I was hurt. But when you messaged me in the morning, I know you will say sorry. That s why I came here.

Rudra: How do you know that I called you for aplogizing.
Nithya: You are actually very good person ACP sir! So I know. But sometimes In anger or frustation we utter something that will hurt the other person. But that cant be always taken back.
But I understand you are worried for aunty and it was in the heat of the moment. When someone realises their mistake and says sorry we can give them a chance.
Nithya said with a smiling face.
Rudra: Thanks! I never expected you to be such a deeper person Nithya. By the way how do you know that I am a good person?
Rudra asked in mischevious tone.
Nithya: Aba.. da .. I will know like that only. Dont underestimate the power of Nithya Prabhu.
saying so Nithya raised her imaginary collar and If you repeat it Then you will also see the "Rowdy Nithya".
Nithya said with a proud smile.

Rudra smiled looking at her and bowed down and said.
Rudra: As you say "Your highness".

Nithya MV: Ayyo! Thank god! How will I tell him that he is my crush and I have searched about him and followed his work during the elections.

They talked about random stuffs for some time and then parted ways to their respective homes.

In the night somewhere in the UP:
A man was standing infront of a photo with a garland carassing it lovingly with tears in his eyes.

Man: Why didn't you listen to me beta! I wanted you to be my successor but what have you done. Papa(dad) loves you so much. But You were wrong in doing that. You left me no chances to introduce you as my heir. Why beta. Why??

to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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