Mom's Magic

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In the evening:
Rudra came to Latha to check on her and give medicines. Latha saw him and smiled.

Rudra: Hi Amma! How are you now?
Latha: I am good Rudra.
Rudra: Drink this milk and have medicines ma!

Latha nodded and took the medicines. She saw Rudra looking at her with a lost face so, she called him and asked him to come to her. Rudra went to her and kept his head in her lap.

Latha: What happened Rudra? You seem so lost.
Rudra: Its nothing like that ma! I am good.

Latha: I am your mother Rudra and I can understand my child very well so don't bother yourself much. Actually not just today, I have been observing you from the time you transferred to Chennai. You are different. Share with me what is troubling you.
Rudra: It is all because of me.

Latha have him a confused look and Rudra continued.

Rudra: Your accident it is because of me.

saying so he looked at her with teary eyes. Latha was shocked to listen to him.

Latha: What do you mean Rudra?

Rudra got up from her lap and said everything about how he met Kavya's parents and his investigation about her missing case and about his visit to Kolland and about the factory in siripur and the threat call he received to stay away from the case.
Latha was listening to him carefully.

Rudra: I am sorry Ma! because of me you are in this condition.
Latha smiled and carassed his cheeks with affection.

Latha: Why are you saying sorry Rudra! You were doing your duty as a police officer and trying to bring justice to those innocent parents who lost their child. I am so proud of you.
Rudra: I will always take care ma! that my work and profession doesnot cause any trouble to you . But I failed this time.
Latha: No Rudra! you made us proud. Your father must have been very proud of you. So, what are you going to do now?
Rudra: I don't know ma! I can't see you in such condition again. I will die. I think I need to stop this investigation here.
Latha sighed listening to him.

Latha: Rudra! I was married at a very young age. You know your father was in the army. So he was away from us most of the times. I used to take care of you both all alone here. But I never complained him or fought with him saying that he is not giving us time. You know why, because I know his job is not just a profession But a responsibility. So I made myself strong to handle things on my own. I was always proud that I am his wife. I was proud that he always stood for his nation. For the people and most importantly for the truth.
Rudra was looking at her and she smiled and said.

Latha: I feel proud if you also stands for the truth and justice. Infact I will be prouder. You know why. Because you are my son and I will be proud of my upbringing. Do you undertand what I am saying? I want you to bring justice to those innocent parents. No matter what. So promise me that you won't give up. I dont want my son to be a coward.
Listening to her Rudra hugged his mother.

Rudra: Thanks ma! You are my angel. I promise I will make you proud.
Latha smiled with satisfaction listening to him.

Rudra: Its already late ma! You need rest.
Latha: Yes! It is late and I can take rest if you also tell me the complete thing that is bothering you.
Rudra: I told you everything ma.
Latha: Oh really! Then why am I still not aware of why Nithya is angry with you?
Latha asked with a sarcastic tone.

Rudra: Ma! That ..
Latha: Yes my dear son! I am listening.
Rudra explained her about his outburst and the non sense he uttered with Nithya.
Listening to him Latha gave him a death glare.

Latha: I could have taught you some patience also. How can you say that Rudra! She was concerned for you.
Rudra: I know ma! I was just worried about the threat call and at the same time all this happened and I lost it on Nithya. I know I am wrong. I will apologise to her.

Latha: I wish she does not forgive you easily.
Rudra: Ma! Which mother will say that to their son.
Latha: This your mother infront of you.

During their talk they listened to a voice from
"So this is the reason why my sister is angry with you"
They turned and saw Ajay standing there throwing daggers at Rudra with his eyes.
Rudra MV: Now he will eat me up alive for hurting his sister.
Rudra: Dei! Before you start your lecture let me tell you I will aplogise to Nithya tomorrow morning. If she doesnot forgive I will beg her. You please come out of that ghost ride mode. I can see fumes all your body.

Saying so He ran away to his room shouting "Good night ma".

Latha who listened to him laughed out loud.
Latha: You are scaring him with your love for Nithya!
Ajay heard her and said " He should be. After all she is my sister" . and smiled at his mother.
Ajay: Good night ma!
Latha: Good night!

At 10:00PM In Rudra's room:
Rudra is talking to D! about the happenings around his investigation.
Rudra: D! I want to halt my investigation for a while. So that the enemy is relaxed. But you keep a track on the case and update me on any clues.
D: Sure Boss!
Once the call ended Rudra moved towards the balcony and he was gazing at the beautiful sky with a full moon and stars. His thoughts went to Nithya.
Rudra MV: I have never been this close any girl Nithya! But here I am thinking about how to apologise to you. It is very tough for me to take your silence. I am sorry!

to be continued...

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I have been very occupied for the past few months. So could not be much active to give updates. I am settled now. So, Lets see how the story unfolds...

An Unforseen Surprise of my LifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin