Rudra finds a clue

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Rudra reaches home and sits on the couch tiredly. Ajay and Latha who are also there sees him and asks.

Latha: Rudra! What happened? Your shirt why is it all stained like this?🙄

Rudra explained them everything what happened in the college.

Ajay: How is Nithya now?😨

Rudra: She is fine. Her parents also came to the hospital. So I came home.

Latha: Thank God! Nothing serious happened. She is a very nice girl.😪😮‍💨

Ajay: I will go to hospital tomorrow and see her.

Rudra: I think they will discharge her tomorrow. So, check with her before you go.

Ajay: ok!

Next Day:

Nithya is discharged and they came home. Keerthi receives a message.

"Hi Keerthi! I am Ajay. Rudra told me about the accident. How is Nithya now?"

Keerthi: She is fine. They discharged today so we came home.

Ajay: I am coming to meet Nithya. Can I come home?

Keerthi was thinking what to tell him. But she understood Ajay's concern and told him to come and texted the address.

After sometime Ajay came to Nithya's home and ringed the bell. Sudha opened the door and asked.

Sudha: Yaaru venum pa?(Whom do you want?)🤔

Ajay: Hi Aunty. My name is Ajay. I am Nithya's friend. May be like a brother. I came to see her. 😊

Sudha: Oh! Come inside.😊

Keerthi saw him through the main door and came to them.

Keerthi: Hi Ajay. Amma! he is Ajay.

Sudha: He told me. By the way Ajay! Do you also study with them.🤔

Keerthi's eyes widened and she warned Ajay not to tell her about their first meet🤐. However, Sudha noticed this and asked "Keerthi! Enna nadakudu inga(Keerthi what is happening?)".😑 Keerthi couldn't lie and told her about the accident and how they got the scooty back.

Sudha: This Nithya is so clumsy at times. Sorry Pa! They have troubled you.🤦‍♀️

Ajay: Ayo! Aunty There is nothing like that. I am really glad that I met them. 😊

Sudha smiled at him and told "Nithya is in that room. Keerthi take him. I will go and bring him coffee." Keerthi nodded and took him to Nithya. Nithya saw him and was surprised and shouted in excitement.😃😃

Nithya: Ajay! What are you doing here?

Ajay: I came to see you. Rudra told me about yesterday. How are now?

Nithya: I am super fine. But these people are treating me like patient and not letting me go out.😑

Ajay: You have to take rest na Nithya!😊

Sudha came with coffee listened to Nithya's complaint and told "why do you want to go out now. To hit people on the roads?"😏😏 Nithya gave a sheepish smile to her about being caught. Sudha gave coffee to Ajay.

Sudha: He is a nice person so, didn't say anything. I am not going to give you scooty here after.

Nithya: Amma! This is why I didn't tell you.

Sudha: Yea! You did a great job.

Keerthi was trying to control her laugh and she stopped when Nithya gave her a glare.

Sudha: you keep talking. I will just be back.

Nithya: Actually if Rudra was not there yesterday I don't know what would have happened. I didn't even thank him also. Ajay can you give me his number?

Ajay raised his eyes to which Nithya said "A da bha bha He saved me know so I have to thank him". Ajay gave her Rudra's number and thought "ennamo nadakara mari dha tonudhu(some thing is brewing I guess)" .

Ajay: Ok ma! I will take my leave I am going to office and came to see you.

Nithya: Bye! Ajay! Thank you for coming.

Ajay patted her head saying "take care"😊 and turned to Keerthi and said "Thank you Keerthi" and left.

On the other side,

Rudra is in his office and received a call.

Rudra: Hi D! Is there any progress?

D: Yes Boss! I sent you all the activity of Arjun and Kavya from the past 3 months to your mail.

Rudra: Thanks D!

D: My Pleasure Boss.

Rudra immediately opened his mail and started going through the mail which has the call logs and photos of people whom they have met. Rudra's eyes caught one photo in which Kavya is leaning on a person's shoulder and the same person is seen meeting Arjun during one of the appointments with him in the CM's office.

Rudra immediately called D! and told him. "D! I have shared you a person's photo. Do you have any clue on who he is?" D checked the photo and told Rudra.

D: Boss! His name is Rakesh Gupta. He is Kavya's boyfriend. But he is dead in an accident one week before Kavya went missing.

Rudra: Ok Thanks D! Try to find the details of Rakesh's friends and his family.

D: Sure Boss!

He put down the phone and thought

Rudra MV: Looks like Rakesh is the common point between Kavya and Arjun. But I need to know his details may be that might help me.😪

Suddenly he received a notification to his phone from an unknown number. 

Message: Hi!

Rudra narrowed his eyes seeing the message unable to understand who it is. Another message popped up from the same number which says "Thank you for saving me ACP Sir!"😊. A small smile appeared on his face and he understood who it is. He immediately replied. "It is my duty".😊

Nithya MV: Duty aa! Cha! what should I do with him. Grumpy cat! 🙄🙄

Her thoughts are broken by a message from him "How are you now?"

Nithya: I am good. Ajay came today. He only gave me your number.

Rudra: Oh!

Nithya: Rudra! Can we meet tomorrow?

Rudra: Why?

Nithya: Nothing. Actually you saved me know so I want to give you treat. That's why.

Rudra MV: What should I say to her. But he replied "Ok".

Nithya: Yayy! Thank you! Tomorrow 4pm at beach.

Rudra: Ok!

Nithya: ok Bye.

Rudra: Bye take care.

Nithya was blushing looking at the phone screen and Keerthi asked her what happened? Nithya didn't say anything and just hugged Keerthi. Keerthi looked at her as if she has grown horns and thought "Ennachi ivalku ipidi vekka padra?(What happened to her?" She is blushing like this?)🤔

to be continued...

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