The meet

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Nithya: Amma! I am going to college. It will get a little late in the evening. I am going to beach today.

Sudha: Bye! Take Care. Yu don't listen to us when we say to take rest and on top of that you want to go to beach.😤

Nithya hugged Sudha and said "I am fine Amma! Don't worry I will come soon."😊

Sudha: hmm Bye🙂

Nithya completed her college and is waiting in the beach for Rudra. Rudra also came there and sat beside Nithya. Nithya who sensed someone beside her and found Rudra sitting next to her.

Nithya: Hello ACP Sir! You came on time.😃

Rudra gave a small smile and said I am always on time.😊

Nithya: Actually you saved me yesterday so I wanted to meet you and say thanks and I want to give you a treat. Tell me what do you want.😃

Nithya saw ice-cream and was very excited and said "Ok we will eat ice cream".😃 She went  running to the ice-cream cart.

Rudra MV: She asked the question She only has the answer. 😂

He chuckled and followed her.

Nithya: Anna! One Chocolate and For you?

Rudra: Butterscotch

Nithya: One chocolate and one butterscotch.

They got the ice-cream and started walking along the shore when Nithya saw a little baby going into the sea without anybody around. She dropped the ice cream on the ground and ran towards the baby. Rudra was confused and ran behind her only to see her saving the kid from drowning into the water. Due to the sudden pull the kid started crying and Nithya was pacifying him searching for the parents. The kid's parent saw them and came running and took the child.

Rudra: How can you leave the child alone like that?

Parents: Sorry Sir! Thank you so much ma.

They took the baby and left from there. Rudra and Nithya sat there seeing the waves.

Rudra: You know Nithya, My first impression of you was that you are just an irresponsible and a spoilt one. But now, I changed my opinion you actually love and care a lot for the people around you.😊

Nithya:  I also saw you first time on TV and my first impression is that you are very handsome. Now, I have also changed my opinion that you are a grumpy cat . 😂😂

she said that and started laughing. Rudra glared at her. Nithya started laughing louder looking at his face. Rudra also smiled at her happy face and murmured "Rowdy😜" which is not heard by Nithya.

Nithya: I told for fun. You are actually a very nice person and very sincere.😊

Rudra smiled listening to her. After that they continued talking about random topics.

Nithya took something from her bag and gave it to Rudra and said "This is just a small gift for you. May be my way of saying Thanks!"😊

Rudra looked surprised at her and took the box and opened it to find a watch in it.

Rudra: It is very nice. Thank you.

Nithya: Thank god! You liked it. You know I usually buy only for my Appa! I bought it as per that experience only. But you liked it. Ennadha irundalu neenga kuda palaya aalu daane(However, you are also an old man only right!).😜😜

Rudra: Romba over aa dha pora nee(This is too much).😏

Rudra told her in a sarcastic tone. Nithya laughed😂😂 at his comment and said

Nithya: Ok Rudra! It is getting late. So, I will leave.

Rudra: How will you go?

Nithya: bus/Auto. Today Keerthi has to go for her new office to collect the joining letter. So she took the scooty. She will join from next week.

Rudra: Oh Ok! Then I will drop you.

Nithya: No its ok. I will go. You came for me though you might be busy. I don't want to trouble you more. 

Rudra: I am not busy now. No discussions I will drop you.

Nithya didn't say anything and went behind him. Rudra dropped her at home and went to his house.

At Rudra's House:

Rudra entered the house in all smiles. Latha saw him and said

Latha: I am seeing you coming home happy after so many days. What is special today?😃

Rudra saw his mother and went to her and sat on the floor near her couch and said "I met Nithya today Amma!. You know she is a very happy person just like a child. I didn't even know the time with her".😍

"Dei! You are talking about a girl for the first time"😃😃. She said with a bright face.

Rudra: Amma! You don't think too much. I just said she is nice.🙄

saying so he left to his room with an annoyed face.

Latha MV: Hmm Let me also see.😏

she thought and chuckled looking at him going to his room.

At Night:

Rudra receives a call.

Rudra: Yes D! Any Progress?

D: Hello Sir! Yes, His name is Rakesh Gupta. He is studying MBBS here in Lucknow. His native is a small village Kolland in Uttar Pradesh. His parents live there. According to his friends, he met Arjun about some problem in his village Sir!. But they are not sure of the issue. Apart from that I don't have any information about his meeting with Arjun.

Rudra: Thanks D! Keep investigating.

D: Sure Sir!

Rudra MV: Kolland!!!. How do I proceed with this. Does his parents know about the issue. What if I go to Kolland and meet his parents. I cannot rely on D alone. Yes, I think that will give more information about the problem and the reason for his meet. But how? I cannot go officially. I will take off for a week and visit the village as holiday.

Somewhere in an Old Bungalow outside the city:

Man: Boss! He has escaped from us.

Unknown: What the hell are you doing? I told you to keep him hided.😡

Man: Sorry Boss! He misleaded us and escaped.

Unknown: You know that he is dead for the world. It will be a very big trouble for us if he comes to light. I need him alive. You got it!

He said in a dangerous tone.

Man: Yes Boss! Got it! We will find him.

Unknown: You should. otherwise, you know me. None of you will be alive.😡😡

Saying so he cut the phone and went towards a photo frame and caressed it with tears in his eyes.😢

to be continued...

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