Rudra misunderstood Nithya

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A month Later:

A month has passed by and everybody is busy in their lives. The elections have occurred without any disturbance. The officials have appreciated Rudra for maintaining law and order during the elections.

On Sunday:

It is the day of birth anniversary of Vishwanathan. So, Latha usually visits temple on that day and would lit 108 diya and does almsgiving.

Latha: Rudra! Ajay! Shall we start?

Rudra/Ajay: We are ready Amma.

They reached the temple and  Latha started to lit up the diya. Ajay received a call from office so, he went away from them to take the call. Latha noticed that that oil to use in diya is about to end so she sent Rudra to get oil. Just then Nithya also came to the temple. It is actually her habit to visit the temple on Sundays. She offered her prayers to god and came to light up the diya. She noticed that Latha's saree has caught fire and shouted and reached to Latha😨. She tried to stop the fire by her hands hurriedly but failed so she took the water from nearby and threw it at Latha. Latha who was scared by the whole incident fainted. Rudra who just returned with oil saw his mother fainting and Nithya was standing there with an empty pot. He misunderstood the situation and rushed towards his mother and tried to her wake her up. Nithya who saw Rudra there understood that she is his mother. When Latha showed some movements, his eyes fell on Nithya who was standing there with a worried face. Anger rushed into him😡. He slapped her and started scolding her.

Rudra: How dare you? How dare you throw water at my Ma!. Don't you even know how to behave?😡

He was scolding her. Nithya was just shocked to even react. She caught her cheek with her hand and was looking at Rudra with tears😥😭. Ajay who was just back from the call saw his mother unconscious and rushed to her.

Ajay: Amma! What happened?😨

Hearing him Rudra and Nithya turned towards him. Nithya was confused on why Ajay was calling her Amma.😕

Rudra: Ask her. he showed Nithya and pushed her forward. Nithya was crying and tried to tell what happened.

Nithya: I didn't ...😥

He pulled her hand which was burnt. Nithya was hissing but he did not notice that. "Enough! I can't tolerate some one harming my mother. Now she is suffering because of you. I will see your end if something happens to her".😡 He yelled at her.

Ajay: Dei Rudra! Stop it! Why are you being so rude to her.

Rudra: Don't support her Ajay.. just because you think that she is like your sister. Because of her Ma! is in this situation.

Latha who is back to conscious called Rudra.

Latha: Rudra!

Listening  to her he rushed towards her. Nithya could not stand there anymore and she rushed away wiping her tears.

"Nithya! Nithya!" Ajay called her, but she ran away from there without listening to him.

Rudra: Amma! How are you?🥹

Latha: I am fine da. If that girl didn't save me I don't know what would have happened.

Rudra: Who?😕

Latha just explained everything about how the saree caught fire and how Nithya burnt her hand and finally saved her. Listening to her Rudra felt very guilty for behaving like that to her.😔

Rudra MV: How can I be so stupid! She saved Ma! But I blamed her. On top of that I slapped her and said many things. How wrong I am!😔

"Are u happy now? That is why you should not rush into conclusions without thinking?". Ajay scolded Rudra.😤

Latha: What happened Ajay?

Ajay: Rudra misunderstood and scolded her thinking that because of her only you fainted.

Latha: Rudra!

Rudra: Sorry Ma! I saw you like that and lost it.

Latha: That doesn't mean you will hurt others without knowing the truth.

Rudra: I know Ma! I will apologize to her. But for now lets go home. You need rest.❤️

Latha nodded her head and they all went home.

On the other side,

Nithya went her home and locked herself inside the room and threw herself on the bed. She was continuously crying.

Nithya MV: How can he say like that? What does he know? Why will I harm anybody?😭

She was sobbing thinking of all the happenings in the temple.

Nithya MV: Ajay was also there and he was calling her Amma! So it means That ACP is his family. He also lied to me.

After sometime, she washed her face and went outside to eat lunch. Sudha noticed her burnt hand.

Sudha: Nithya! What is this? How is your hand burnt?😨

Prabhu and Keerthi who were also busy eating lifted their heads and rushed towards Nithya. Prabhu also held her hand.

Prabhu: Princess! What happened? Oh God! How badly it burnt. Keerthi, go and bring ointment.😔

Keerthi brought the ointment and they applied it to her hand lovingly. Nithya was smiling looking at their care towards her.❤️

Sudha: How did it happened Nithya? You did not answer us?

Nithya didn't want to worry them. So she simply lied. "It got burnt while lighting diya in the temple Ma!. Its ok it is just a small burn".

Prabhu: small burn. Look! How your hand is burnt? 

he said while caressing her hand softly.

Nithya: I am fine Appa! Don't worry.🤗

Sudha: Let me feed you. How will you eat with this hand. 

saying so she fed Nithya and they all had their lunch.

In the evening:

Latha woke up and came to the living room to see that both Rudra and Ajay are silently sitting infront of each other without any words. This is very unusual to her as they always talk to each other when around each other. She went towards them. Seeing her both of them rushed to her. 

Rudra/Ajay: Amma! How are you feeling now?

Latha: I am fine da. Why are you both sitting silently?

She asked sitting on the couch. They also sat infront of her.

Ajay: Nothing Ma! Its just that I am thinking about Nithya.

Latha: Nithya....!🤔 Oh! the girl you met the other day.

Ajay: Also the girl your son insulted in the temple.

Latha's eyes widened in surprise about the newly found information.

Latha: Do you mean the girl who saved me in the temple is Nithya.

Ajay nodded his head. A bright smile formed on Latha's face and she said "Mahalakshmi maari da iruka"(She was very beautiful)❤️. Ajay also smiled looking at her. But Rudra was feeling very guilty and was sitting there without uttering a word.

Ajay: Tomorrow, I am going to meet her. So you come with me and apologize to her.

Rudra: How do you know where she will be?

Ajay: I met her the other day at the bus stop infront of ABC college. She must be studying there.

Rudra nodded his head and went away to his room silently.

to be continued...

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