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Nithya and Sudha admitted Latha in the hospital and the treatment has started. Soon Ajay reached the hospital and went to reception.

Ajay: Excuse me! Where is Mrs. Latha Vishwanathan. She has met with an accident.😓

Receptionist: Sir! She is in ICU  in the second floor.

He rushed to the ICU and saw Nithya and Sudha waiting outside and went towards them.

Ajay: Nithya! How is Amma!😥

Nithya: I don't know Ajay! the doctors are treating her. We have to wait.

Ajay nodded and sat on the chair crying. Nithya also sat beside him and said "Don't worry Ajay! Aunty will be fine."😔

After 2 hours, the doctors came out

Doctor: Who are you to the patient?

Ajay: She is my mother Doctor! How is she?

Doctor: Look Mr. He condition is very critical. She has so much blood loss. Right now we can tell anything. Lets hope for the best. 

saying so the doctor has left. Ajay was collapsed on the chair sobbing.😭

Sudha: Don't worry Ajay! God is there. She will be fine. 

She looks at Nithya and signals her to come to a side. Both Nithya and Sudha went a little far from Ajay.

Sudha: Nithya! He seems to be too broken and alone. Is Rudra aware about this?

Nithya: I don't know Ma! But Rudra Sir went out of the town.

Sudha nodded her head and continued. "Do they have an relatives? "

Nithya: I don't think so.

Sudha: Ok! Then You stay with him. I will go and get some food and other things from home. Looking at Ajay, I don't think he can take care of anything.😕

Nithya: Ok Ma!

Sudha left home and told Prabhu and Keerthi about the accident. She packed some food and necessary stuff for the hospital. By the time she is about to start she kept receiving calls from the clients regarding the clothes. So she asked Keerthi to take the things to hospital.

Prabhu: Yes Keerthi You take them to the hospital. I will also take permission from the school and come there. Keerthi nodded and left for the hospital.

At Hospital,

Keerthi reached the hospital and they were waiting for Latha to recover.

Keerthi: Ajay! Did you call Rudra?

Ajay: I called him before reaching here. He will come by tomorrow morning. Keerthi, Nithya. You have been here from a long time. Please go home. I can manage.😪😥

Keerthi: No! Its ok. Nithya! You are here from morning. So you go home and come tomorrow morning. Appa will come and stay here.

Ajay: Why are you troubling everyone Keerthi? Its fine I can manage.🫤

Nithya: Ajay! It is no trouble for us. Keerthi, then I will go home. You call me whenever needed. saying so she left. 

The doctors came to check on Latha. Ajay and Keerthi are eagerly waiting outside to listen to the good news that she is fine. But the doctors came and told that there is no improvement in her condition leaving them sad. Keerthi assured Ajay to keep the faith.

Ajay: What will I do if something happens to her Keerthi? You know Keerthi! I am an orphan. Ma! and Pa! adopted me when I was a child. But they have never shown any difference between Rudra and myself. In fact I was  more pampered than Rudra. She is my everything. That's why I never left her not even for education or job. I cannot live without her. Tell her to come back na.😭😭😭

saying so he started crying very badly and keeping his head in Keerthi's lap. Keerthi had tears in her eyes looking at his state. She caressed his hair with one hand and shoulder with other.🥹🥹

Keerthi: Look Ajay! Aunty will be fine. See, she also knows na Ajay can't be without her. So, she will definitely recover. Please don't loose your courage. 😔

After some time Ajay became normal and realized his position. He jerked and got up.

Ajay: Sorry Keerthi! I was very emotional. Sorry, If I made you uncomfortable.😓

Keerthi: Its ok Ajay. You haven't eaten anything form morning. Have something.

Ajay: I am not hungry. You please go and eat.

Keerthi: Please Ajay! You need to take care of yourself, Atleast for Aunty.

Ajay nodded and they ate and came back. By then Prabhu also came to the hospital.

Keerthi: Appa! Here.

Keerthi turned towards Ajay and told him "He is my father".

Ajay: Hello Uncle! I am so sorry We are troubling you so much. 

Prabhu: There is no trouble in this for us. After all you are my princesses friends.😊

Three of them stayed in the hospital and Nithya and Sudha stayed at home.

Next Day:

Rudra rushed to the hospital and came to the ICU. He saw Ajay sitting on the chair supporting his head to the wall behind him.

Rudra: Ajay!

Ajay saw Rudra and hugged him.

Rudra: How is Amma! Where is she?

Ajay: Rudra! She is in ICU. The doctors are saying she is in very critical condition.

Rudra went towards the ICU and saw his mother through the glass who is surrounded by wires and machines. His eyes filled with tears looking at her condition.😥😥😭

After sometime, Nithya and Sudha also came to the hospital. 

Nithya went to Rudra who is there like a stone and sat beside him and held his shoulder. Rudra turned to look at her . Nithya squeezed his hand and nodded her head to be strong.

Just then Rudra received a call. He noticed that it was an unknown number and excused himself.

Rudra: Hello!

Unknown: Hello Mr. Rudra IPS. How are you?

Rudra: Who is this?

Unknown: You don't know me. But listen to me very carefully. It is better you don't involve yourself in unwanted matters. Otherwise, things will be worse. What happened now with your mother is only a sample to tell you what we are capable of. Don't try to dig into things that don't concern you.⚠️⚠️

saying so he cut the call.

Rudra understood that some one tried to kill their mother and it was not an accident.

Rudra MV: Who is this? What does he mean?

Rudra immediately called D and asked him to trace the number. After some time D called and said that he could not trace the number but the call was originated from UP. Rudra was shocked to know that.

Rudra MV: Does he mean that I should not involve in Rakesh matter? What is this? It means Ma! is this condition because of me. Such a loser I am. I am sorry MA!😭

he started tearing up and sat there all broken near the visitors area only.

to be continued...

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