33 | The Alverales

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"I get it, but her temperature is too high, you sure it isn't a problem?"

"That's your fault," Camille blatantly stated.

"Why is it my fault?"

"The higher the pleasure she received, the higher her temperature will be, want me to explain further?"

"No, no, I got it all!!" Alphard shook his hands frantically.

"All right, but remember that the temperature shouldn't exceed 105° F, if it does then it might be some other problem and not the mate bond effect alone."

"Okay, mom. Thanks for the heads up."

"Take care of yourself and stay beside Luna, that'll help her recover faster." Camille reminded before ending the contact.

"What was all that?" Luna asked frowning at Alphard.

He was frantically shaking hands and constantly frowning throughout the conversation with whoever it was on his head, so she naturally got worried.

"Relax," He told her everything that Camille told him.

It appeared to Luna that his ego has been fed by Camille's words.

"Proud of yourself, aren't you?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Very much," He grinned. "Just think, no one can get you high the way I can."

"Yeah, yeah, 103 is definitely high." She teased.

He raised an eyebrow and inched closer to her, now Luna grinned.

He's still in the mood? She thought.

"You know very well the kind of 'high' I was referring to." He whispered.

"Do I?" She frowned, enjoying his reaction. "I don't think so, can you explain?" She paused for a second before adding. "Or maybe demonstrate?"

"You tease, wait till your temperature is down!" He scowled, Luna laughed without holding back.

"That'd be a couple hours, mister."

She pulled him down beside her and held his arm, gazing at him lovingly. His scowl vanished when his eyes met her tender gaze.

"Like what you're looking at?" He caressed her cheek.

"I've always did and to think that it's finally mine, I cannot hold the feeling in anymore," She kissed the back of his hand.

They then didn't realise when they fell asleep in each other's arms and by the time they woke up, they were close to landing at their destination and Luna was also completely recovered.

The time they spent together brought them even close to each other and the tour in itself was a great experience to them. The place they chose to go on a honeymoon was nowhere else, but the city of Aomori.

They'd found the place quite beautiful on their previous visit, so had decided to make some pleasant memories here.

In the one month period of their trip, Luna had fallen sick again on the 15th day. This time around there was no fever, but nausea and vomiting were the problem.

Alphard was hell bent on filing a complaint against the hotel they were staying in as he was convinced that the food here was the reason for Luna's illness.

"Don't even try to talk me out of it, Luna. I'm going to___"

"Will you just shut up and listen to me!?" She snapped, having had enough of him. "You're a doctor and I'm surprised that you cannot figure it out!"

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