14 | The Weapon

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Luna woke up to something soft brushing against her cheek and neck, her head hurt badly, she was unable to lift herself up.

"What the f*ck did just happen!?" She yelled causing Alphard to look her way.

"Finally!" He crawled to her side and held her in his arms.

"What happened?" She repeated.

"You don't remember?" He frowned.

"The arrow...Oh, sh*t! Where's he!?" She shot up so fast forgetting the uneasy feeling and it worsened.

"Relax, he's just beside you," Alphard pointed to her right.

The arrow that shot past Alphard would've pierced her if not for the lion with her colour of the mark. It'd pushed her to the side and the arrow struck him while she'd passed out when her head hit the stone wall.

She shifted to get a better look and found the lion licking it's mark to soothe the pain. It wasn't bleeding, or something; just swollen.

"What happened?" She asked for the third time.

"After pushing you away, he took the shot. It hit him right on the mark, so no injury was caused, but the impact is still there." Alphard informed.

"And him?" She pointed at the lion with Alphard's mark.

"It did nothing, but stay close to me," He sighed.

"They're connected to us..."


"They're connected to us, Alphard. They will now protect the ones who managed to calm their roaring down."

"You mean, each lion is assigned the job to protect the one with the mark as same as theirs?"

"Yes," She moved closer to the injured lion and placed her right hand over its mark.

She focused on her inner energy and began moving her fingers over it like she was soothing her own pain. A couple seconds later she took her hand from over the lion's mark and the both of them saw it heal in an instant.

"Amazing," Alphard breathed.

"We shouldn't waste another second, let's start." Luna got on her feet and they began walking into the maze.

Every attempt to find the right path was proving to be in vain as they realised that they were still in the same place that they started from some 30 minutes ago.

"D*mn, these walls! Will we ever find ourselves on the right path!?" Alphard yelled.

"Calm down, Alphard. We must be missing something out here, there has to be a clue!"

"What can possibly guide us!? Every turn leads us back to where we started from, arghh!" He groaned in frustration and sat down cross legged.

"Alphard! Don't lose hope,"

"Yeah, yeah." He yawned.

"You're tired, that's the reason you're losing it. Fine, we'll sit for a while." She sat beside him and rested her head on his left shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I was a little p*ssed." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head.

"You're an open book to me Alphard, no need to apologise."

"Open book, huh? I don't think so," He didn't sound himself.

Luna looked at him, tilting her head and a moment later added an illustration of love. Although Alphard wondered the reason for this sudden treatment he was being given, he responded back. They broke it after a few minutes and sat there cupping each other's face.

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