9 | The Seekers

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"This place is just...I'm lost for words," Alphard mumbled causing Luna to chuckle.

"Wait till you reach the place," She said.

He was in awe looking around the forest he thought he knew by now, but it turned out that the forest he thought he knew was far more extended than he can ever know. Thanks to Luna that he got to see this part of the forest.

After arriving at the town, Luna took him straight here and proposed that everyone think they were still somewhere in the snow, to which Alphard agreed.

They were now in the middle of the forest, surrounded by thick bushes and tall trees. Unlike the ground of the forest near his house, here it wasn't damp in the least, but was dry like that of any well maintained park. One thing bothered him and so he asked.

"I hear only chirping around. Are there no animals?"

"No wild animals in this part of the forest, don't worry." She assured.

He was looking around as they walked and bumped into Luna's back who'd stopped walking ahead of him.

"What t___" He gawked ahead. "My goodness," His jaw dropped, Luna laughed, unable to control herself.

"I wonder what'd become of you when you enter the workspace," She said after getting a hold of herself.

An Oak stood so tall over the ground, that Alphard thought its branches to be the protective arms which were holding the entire forest within, so that no harm comes to it.

Luna dragged him to the right side of the tree trunk and asked him to place both of his palms over what looked like lichen.

"It's literally fungi! I'm not putting my hands on that."

"Will you do it yourself, or shall I?" She asked.

"You do whatever you want to," He answered, assuming that she was going to put her own hands on that. But found himself wrong. "Hey!" He shouted as she pushed him from behind, making his hands land where she wanted them to.

"You asked for it," She simply shrugged. He tried retracting his hands back, but wasn't able to and felt like they were being pulled in.

"What the f*ck is going on!? I never knew quick sand can be found on tree trunks!"

"It isn't. A dermatoglyphic scan is being made, stay still." She ordered. "It is artificially made to look like lichen, so no one suspects anything." She clarified. "Just stay there till the system lets you go on its own." He did as she said and it was over in less than a minute.

"Now? Where do we get in from?" He asked.

She gestured for him to follow and took him some 20 feet away from the tree, only to stop in front of another. Just that, despite its size; this one was hollow from the inside.

She tapped her feet, 2 times each on the only protruding root there and the left side of the trunk opened for them to enter. Once in, she knocked on the C mark made at the right side of the opening and it closed. Then she asked him to place any one of his fingers over a mark that looked like an I, he did.

When finished, a path was revealed for them to walk in on the very left corner which closed when she pressed a hand over the door as soon as they descended down the steps and finally, into the workspace.

The place was so good that Alphard forgot he was twenty five and started running around to touch and feel every object in there.

"Calm yourself down, Alphard." She chuckled.

"What else do you expect from me? This is just awesome!" Luna giggled.

"You remember all that I did to get in here?" He nodded. "Good, the next time you wanna come in, you can on your own and there's no need stop by the Oak as you're already registered." She said.

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