7 | The Chase

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"I still can't believe you got me to sign those letters!"

"Get over it, Greg." Luna said, Greg sighed.

"Whatever, just come back safe."

"Relax, Greg. You're overthinking it." Alphard said.

"You don't even talk. You said you'll talk her out of it, but instead are now going with her."

"I said I'll try what I can and here I'm, tried and convinced her to take me with her."

"You were planning to go alone!?" Greg asked Luna.

"Can we leave now?" Luna asked, rolling her eyes. "We'll miss the cruise!"

"Fine," Greg answered, making Alphard snort.

Kelvin and Darcy were also there to send Luna and Alphard off. Darcy wasn't sure of it, but Kel kept telling her otherwise even though he himself was a bit worried.

They said their goodbyes to everyone and left the agency

A few meters away, Will, Laura and Dorian met them. Luna brought the car to a stop and both of them got out.

"Dad? What's the matter?" Alphard asked Dorian.

"He's worried about Luna," Will said.

"Not about me?" Alphard tried joking. Dorian smiled at that. "C'mon dad, she's equal to a ten men my size."

"Stop flattering," Luna hit him on his back. "Uncle, you don't need to worry. Look at my parents, see how happy they're to not have me around for a month,"

"That's not true," Laura said, Luna and Will laughed.

"Just be safe," Dorian said and faced his son. "Take care of her, Alphard."

"Me? Stop kidding, dad. I'm just praying that I don't get taken care by her and mark this the first unsuccessful mission on her list!" Alphard snorted.

"Nah ah, if you get into trouble then I'm sending you back home with the goods carrier and carrying out the mission on my own."

"What!? I don't even get to fly, or at least sail back home?" He faked being offended. All laughed.

"All right, you'll be late." Will began. "Dorian?"

"Come back with pride." He said.

They shared a brief hug and were off. It's going to be a two day sail to the continent. Though Luna was strong and compassionate, she couldn't help, but be afraid now.

She was carrying this mission out to get her hands on the one who is after Alphard and him accompanying her on this was not sitting right with her and was the reason for her to not fly there. It will be a 2 hour flight, but with Alphard with her, there are chances that those people try to highjack the plane and if that happened, they wouldn't be able to escape as they possibly could while in a cruise.

What if we come face to face with the bad guy and Alphard gets recognised? The person must surely be a werewolf, what will happen if they sense that Alphard is just an ordinary human? Will they stop their hunt for him, or will it get worse?

All these questions were nagging her to the point of losing her sanity, but the biggest question was why.

Why do they want Alphard?

She believed that the answer to this lies buried somewhere in the depths of snow and was taking Alphard with her only because of what Camille had once said to Dorian.

Our son is the key to every secret I know.

If what Camille said was true, then she'd need Alphard to access them, in case she gets her hands on any such thing before those people ever do. She hoped she would.

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