4 | The Mistake

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"Whoever told you that? My last name's Volvomaks, not what you were saying,"

"Stop this nonsense, I know who I appoint!"

"Alphard, it's called insanity to try to make someone believe the otherwise when they know the truth," Luna said while entering into Greg's cabin.

"You told me to do so," Alphard shrugged.

"Not this definitely. Besides, was that even a name? Volvomaks?" Luna laughed.

"Why did you tell him to do that?" Greg asked.

"I was training him to stay undercover, you know it involves hiding our true identity," She said.

"She told me to keep my actual last name a secret from everyone; the ones in our agency as well as from the outsiders, which doesn't make sense," Alphard said.

"It doesn't matter if it makes sense to you, or not. Luna said then there must be a reason." Alphard rolled his eyes at Greg's response.

Yeah, a reason. Only Luna knew that she was keeping her promise made to Dorian. Protecting Alphard.

"You sound like a beaten up husband who has no choice, but to agree with his wife when it comes to Luna," Alphard snorted.

"Man, I've a mate!" Greg said, not thinking what he was saying. Luna cursed under her breath.

"Mate?" Alphard frowned.

"He means wife," Luna jumped in. "You still read those paranormal stories with shifters, soulmates and stuff, Greg?" Luna laughed it off, making Alphard laugh too.


"Yeah, read one last night," He played along.

"Whatever, it's a part of his training and you will not give anyone his actual name, got it?" Luna ordered.

"Copy that," Greg shook his head, indicating that he should be the one giving orders and not her.

"Anyways, I was here to ask permission, can I leave an hour earlier than usual?" Luna informed.

Alphard wondered if he will be leaving too. The both of them always left together as Alphard was still getting used to these streets. Though he was well accustomed by now, he enjoyed her company.

Luna on the other hand was putting his safety first, the mate issue was far from her mind, but not forgotten.

"You can, but Alphard? He'll be leaving too?" Greg asked.

"No," Luna said, Alphard felt a pang in his chest, which was soon gone when she turned to him and spoke. "I'll pick you up at our usual time," He nodded. "All right, back to work." She left the cabin.

Alphard took his leave too and went to his lab. They spent the day in and without seeing the other. At around 2.30 pm, there was a knock on Alphard's door.

"Come in," Luna entered with some papers. "What're those?"

"You need to sign them. It's a consent you'll be giving that you've taken up this job on your own will and are aware of the risks it involves."

"Risks? As in to life?" He asked, She nodded. "It's a part of the job, why need signatures and consents?"

"That'd be part of the formalities," She chuckled.

"Whatever," He came to stand in front of her and took one of the papers from her hands.

He was going through what it had to say.

"See, this paper has some of the 'might possible' risks mentioned." She began reading it out loud.

He listened carefully, but his attention lasted only for a few seconds, then he was getting drowned by something else.

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