15 | The Night

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"I did miss this, but I also know how much it hurts, so now you're taking back your human form; hurry." Alphard ordered. Luna nuzzled against him to make him change his mind. "Not gonna work, no means no, understood? Shift now," She retreated and he knew he'd convinced her.

Don't know what took over her, but the otherwise smart Luna had now forgotten to take cover before she let the transformation begin. Alphard rushed to their bags. Rummaging through his, he found a blanket and turned to Luna, but was rooted to the spot because of the sight in front of him.

She'd transformed and was sitting with her knees pulled to her chest and hands around them. What Alphard was seeing now was her back with her long hair covering most of it till the ground, yet he was this worse.

Why're you this beautiful? He thought. Now is not the time, Alphard!

He walked up to her and backed away immediately after tucking the blanket over her shoulders. She brought two corners of it from under both of her arms and crossed them over her shoulders with a knot on the back of her neck, the only skin visible now was from her neck to down till her shoulder blades and hands of course.

She stood up and turned to face him. His eyes fixed on her, desire visible in them. She felt it even before having to look him in the eyes.

"Thank you," She breathed. He didn't utter a word and continued to stare.

"I'll start the fire," He said, but didn't move an inch.

"Okay," She wasn't any different than him.

They continued to stare at each other for a while, then Luna took a step forward, but stopped contemplating whether to take another, or not. Her doubts vanished when Alphard strode towards her.

"I think I already did..." He whispered, now standing close to her, gaze wavering up and down.

"And there's only one way to put it out." She tucked her chin up.

He grabbed her face then suddenly forced himself to pull away from her and tried reading her expression which masked his own.

"We can't mate," He sighed raking his right hand through his hair.

"We don't have to," She replied, Alphard grinned at that.

Luna knew he was going to stop at nothing now, her gaze shifted from him to the lions sitting not far from them, Alphard noticed it. He lifted her up in his arms and got to the altar.

The both of them took their time admiring each other. At one point Luna gulped.

What did you expect? He's a man! She thought.

Alphard was taken back to the time he was tending to her wounds and compared then to now.

"Beautiful..." His voice brought her back to earth. "...you're ___"

"All yours," She looked him in the eyes. "As I always say, I'm all yours, Alphard."

"Not that I thought the otherwise before, but yeah, you're mine. Only mine,"

"Only yours." She repeated.

She closed the gap between them. Soon the both of them found themselves lying beside each other on their backs.

"Never imagined it to be this good," Alphard said.

"Just good?" She smirked remembering how he'd responded.

"It was beautiful," He whispered turning to face her. "We weren't even close, yet it felt this beautiful."

"I can't wait for all this to end so that we can consummate our bond." She stared up at the cave roof.

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