5- A Mistake

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Later that week, at night. I was acting on his words and endeavoring to come out of his dark phase of my life. To shift my mind, I was baking some cookies until surprisingly he called.


I didn't know why but I picked his call instantly. Like, I need his words to help me move forward.

"It's me, Aalifa, Zaviyaar. How are you doing now?" He asked sweetly, bringing an earnest smile on my lips as well.

"Good. You called, at this hour?" I asked politely, it was ten at night.

"I was busy, I only got time now and wanted to know how are you doing? The case is now closed. After thorough investigation, it was a drug overdose after all." He informed me nonchalantly.

"I see."

My chest clenched. Closing my eyes, I leaned against the counter.

'What have you done, Asim? And why?' I thought sorrowfully accompanied by an unwanted tear rolling down my cheek.

And when I was about to fall into depression again, his tender murmur came again, "I know the time is harsh but be strong. This will pass and take care of yourself. Okay?"

"Yes." Breaking from my trails of anguish, I hummed.

"I have to go now. Allah Hafiz."

"Allah Hafiz."

After the call, I began to think about Asim again. The smile vanished instantly but fortunately before I could lose myself, Papa came.

"Who was it?"

"Sir Zaviyaar, he called to check up." I replied softly, turning back to my cookies.

"Honestly, I thought the news was fake or exaggerating but after meeting him in real life, they were right. That man is truly altruistic." He praised, widening my smile.


"Hmm. I didn't expect it either. Sir Zaviyaar consoled me a lot. He was known as a savior for nothing. I have seen it myself now." I nodded in agreement.

I was happy that once in my life at least I got a chance to meet my ideal and moreover being supported by him in my hard time.

I felt relieved.

"Anyways, since the case is now closed. I am going to book our tickets for the earliest flight to America. I won't let you stay here." Papa demanded sternly, taking a cookie and eating it hot.

"Papa, have you forgiven me?" I asked worriedly.

"Idiot, parents never stay angry with their child. They always forgive. Besides, your mother had strictly ordered me to take you back." He chuckled, giving me a side hug.

"This world can not be trusted anymore. We used to think that Asim is a good guy who will keep you happy but I guess we left our daughter in the wrong hands." He sighed, keeping me close.

After this incident, Papa had become afraid. He was not letting me leave alone, he was worrying too much for me which I understand.

"Do you trust me?"

"If I hadn't I wouldn't have let you stay here alone. I know my daughter can never do anything which could disgrace us." He smiled purely, making me almost cry.

Here I thought they abandoned me but how wrong I was.

"Take me with you, Papa. I don't want to stay here anymore." I pleaded in a broken tone, clinging onto his shirt like I used to when I was child.

Unable to bear this weight of my wrong choices inside me anymore, I broke into a sob. I had always made wrong choices in my entire life.

Chose fame over family, got into a scandal and now a murderer fiancé...

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