4- Mourning

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"The body of the event organizer Asim Khan was found dead in his home along with his parents. Apparently he killed his family and then himself.

After a police investigation, we found out that he was on a high dosage of drugs and in that intoxication, he did this to himself and his family.

Stay tuned with me for more updates on this case. This is your reporter Lia James, JNews, Abu Dhabi."

I kept staring at the news. Not believing it was true. Tears scattered across my cheeks. I was in my apartment, hugging my knees close to me.

My lips were shaking, I could feel my heart being torn apart from a profound, irrevocable scar brimming on my soul. How I imagined to be his bride and now...

"My Asim could never do this. This has to be a lie. A fraud. He must be framed." I whispered desperately, sniffling and wiping my tears.

I wanted to go and see him for the last time but my Father was not letting me along with the police. They had retrieved the body and I was not allowed to see.

"Framed, Aalifa? Police investigation found it. They found drugs in his body! I cannot believe my daughter was about to marry a man like him. Are you happy now by deciding on your partner yourself?"

My father scolded me furiously. He was extremely distressed that he had to come from America to see me and just as he expected.

I was horrible.

"I am already miserable, Papa, please don't increase it. I can't believe it was him." I whispered desperately, closing my eyes to feel his darkness which was overwhelming me.

I couldn't accept that he could do something this heinous. In one night, my life had turned upside down. Everything scattered in a moment.

Shutting my eyes, I began to release muffled sobs again. I couldn't face this world anymore.

"For the first time I fell in love and gave myself a chance. Is this what I got in return, Papa?" I cried, tears refusing to halt.

I had never felt this crestfallen in my entire life.

"Aalifa, don't cry. Be grateful your name hasn't come to the news." Papa whispered, sitting beside me and pulling me into a side hug.

The doorbell rang and the maid went to see as I snuggled closer to Papa, wanting him to shelter me from every harm at this point.

I had fallen to a breaking point and only his support could help me now.

"I am surprised that they didn't involve me in this too." I whispered, resting my head on his chest and wiping my tears as he caressed me tenderly.

Papa opened his mouth but another unforeseen voice joined us.

"Because I have forbidden them to not create a show out of you again."

Straightening up quickly, I turned only to find Sir Zaviyaar in his usual dominant form, holding a deeply compassionate look.

"Sir?" Trailing off, we got up quickly. I certainly didn't expect him to come to my apartment.

"Zaviyaar Sheikh?"

"Oh, you must be Miss Aalifa's father. Pleased to meet you, Sir." He smiled faintly, shaking hands with Papa before turning to me.

"How could this happen, Sir? Asim had worked for you, he conducted so many of your events. He was not like this, make them understand." I whimpered to which he narrowed his eyes out of pity.

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