" Until now.." I look back, " Get you ass on the mat Mairi."

Xaden looks between us, " Liam is not sparring you."

" Why not?"

" Because he has a job to do, and he can't do it if he's on the mat.."

I take a couple steps closer, " Then you can stand watch." I smile, " I promise I won't take long."

" You think it's going to be that easy getting me down?" Liam asks getting up coming over to me.

I turn around grinnig at him, " Oh I know I could get you down fast."

" You think."

" I know."

" Mairi." Xaden snaps and Liam jerks his gaze to Xaden, " Do your job." He demands in a strict tone. " And Fury..stop distracting him."

He gives both of us a look before pulling off his...

Hot hell....

He pulls off his shirt and man.. His body is better then I thought.. He steps on the mat by Garrick and they spar. Liam stands close to me, " Now you can see what I mean when I say he's the best fighter here, Garrick is a close second."

Right.. I'm just watching because of his fighting..nothing else. Not because he's all muscle.. Not because his rebellion relic looks a little to good on him, or as they fight which seems so lethally beautiful the way theres a slight sheen on the both of them is just mesmerizing.

" Your drooling a little bit.." Liam whispers in my ear and I snap out of it wiping my mouth " What no-"

He snorts, " I was joking, but..you sure you don't like him?"

" Hate." I snap back.

As quickly as their spar began, it ended. Xaden over Garrick, dagger in hand pointing at his throat.

" Sorrengail! Stop drooling at use this time to get some shit done!" Dain'c annoyed voice rings out. I see Xaden look my way smirking, " She was just enjoying the show Aetos, no need to get all butthurt."

I roll my eyes sendng them both the finger as I now go to one of the opposite corners of the mat where the punching bags were, I only got maybe 9 hits inbefore another voice calls out. " That's my bag Sorrengail.."

I really can't win today can I?

I turn quickly to see Jaxk Barlowe heading my way and Liam quickly coming over. I look back at the bag going around it, " Funny.. I don't see your name anywhere on it."

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