The Outside (ft. Healy)

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I've brought the dark moments to light 

And I've fought "The Man" for my rights 

My rights to express my opinions and my body 

Because I own what I was born to show 

I've fought a million times but now I won't 

Because I've fought "The Man" to be seen as human 

A human with emotions and feelings 

That I'm not afraid to show how I really 

And you know that I'll never be going back home 

Because there's no father to help me not feel alone 

No real mother that will cry because I've gotten so grown 

I guess you could say that I'm on my own 

On the outside 


It is said that we are all the same inside 

I beg to differ. 

Inside is where the darkest parts of your soul 

Fight to not be seen, to hide even from yourself. 

And while darkness comes to light 

Always shadows remain. 

The darkness scars the inside. 

The darkness leaves its mark. 

Cracks and Crevices opening 

Breaking through to get to the light. 

The dark, the hurt, the shame 

Stuck inside. 

I guess you could say that I'm on my own

On the outside 

And on the inside  


Thick and thin pride shoots me like an arrow 

I'm lost and alone but there's pain I won't swallow 

Fought so many people and lost so many times 

Written so many poems and yet you tell me I lie 

Even though you you never knew me before last year 

You're immature and so shallow that it's ineffective 

And you know that I'll never be going back home 

Because there's nobody worth it to help me not feel like I'm alone 

I've got no real mother that will cry because I've gotten so grown 

I guess you could say that I've always been on my own

On the outside 

And on the inside 

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