Chapter 41: "Argument"

Start from the beginning

"He didn't poop in your shoes, that's good," I said with a mouth half full of breakfast while Hercules was rubbing himself around my legs. Nope, that's a stupid name.

"Yet." Finn muttered under his breath as he sat next to me with his plate as well.

"You do realize it was your idea to take him home, right?" I raised one eyebrow.

"If I had known you would pay more attention to him than to me, I would have left him in the forest."

"Finn!" I hit him in the shoulder, which he just laughed at. "Don't joke about things like that."

"Sorry, sorry." He shook his head with a laugh.

"And I don't pay more attention to him than I do to you."

"Are you sure about that?" He raised an eyebrow. "The first thing you did in the morning was go check on him. You even gave him your first kiss."

"My god, we really need to do something about your jealousy." I rolled my eyes. "It's not healthy."

"I'm just pointing out that you didn't want to keep him."

"Because I'm living with you! I left my father, so I basically have nowhere to live until I find something. I didn't want to keep him just because it's supposed to be your decision."

"Wait, wait, let's go back a bit. What do you mean you want to look for something else?" He frowned.

"Finn, I can't live with you forever." Maybe that wasn't the right choice of words.

"Why not? I thought we were in a relationship. People who are in relationships do that."

"Yeah, but they're in a relationship for months or years before they move in together." We skipped a few steps there.

"I thought this was supposed to be an argument," he pointed at the air quotes, "not an actual argument. When were you going to tell me you wanted to look for a new place to live?"

"First of all, we are not arguing," I stood up with an empty plate and went to take it to the sink, "secondly, I haven't started yet or I would have told you."

"I don't see why you can't stay here, there's plenty of room." He pointed past us to his apartment.

"Just leave it, Finn." I turned my back to him and leaned my hands on the kitchen counter. The kitten started walking around my legs, obviously in a playful mood. Not now, little one.

"No, Lexi, you can't say something like that and then tell me to let it go. I thought we were open with each other."

"What do you want me to say?" I turned to him.

"The truth would be nice."

"The truth?" I snorted. "I don't even know what the truth is. I'm confused and lost. I lost my father and..."

"Yes me too."

Oh my god, Lexi what are you doing? "Finn, I didn't mean to..."

"I know you're used to doing things alone, but that's not how a relationship works. You talk when you have problems and I listen."

"It's not that easy." I almost whispered and ran my hands through my hair.

"What's so hard about it? What are you so afraid of?"

"I don't know!" I exploded. "I just don't know what's going on." I threw my hand up in the air. "I need time."

My words were like tiny daggers. I stuck a few in my own heart and the rest in his.

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