#16 《The Hero Killer》

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Chapter 16

"So who's in trouble?" You asked while chasing after Todoroki.

The two of you were running past the main street and heading to an alleyway. "Midoriya sent his location. It must mean he needs help." He replied as you heard a familiar voice.

Todoroki used his fire attack to fend off against the opponent and protect Iida. You ran over to Midoriya first who, who looked frozen in place.


The boy yelled in surprise. "Can you move?"

"One after another..." The hero killer grumbled under his breath as you took out your sword.

"There are a lot of people getting in my way today."

"Midoriya. You need to give more details in times like this. You made us late." Todoroki said as he unleashed an ice attack.

Stain jumped back while Iida clenched his fists. "T-Todoroki, you too? Why are you here...?" He said.

"And you're using your left side..." Midoriya added.

"Why? That's my line. It took me a few seconds to figure out what you meant
since you sent just your location info.
You're not really one to send that for no reason. You meant that you were in trouble and to call for help, right?
Don't worry. The pros will also get here in a few minutes."

The half and half boy used his ice to slide the injured and paralyzed behind him.

"Seems like you're in a really talkative mood today, Right Todoroki?" You said sarcastically and jumped to attack the hero killer.

"That's right. I won't let you kill these guys, Hero killer." Todoroki said and use his ice to support you from behind.

"Suzuki, Todoroki, you can't let this guy see your blood! I think he controls his opponents' actions by ingesting their blood orally." Midoriya warned as you swung your blade at Stain.

He used his own weapon to block you. He took out a small blade and you dodged by a hair. Can we really handle this guy till help gets here?

You bend down to dodge his next attack and used the wall to throw a kick at him. Stain stumbled back as the boy with half-red, half-white hair used his fire.

You returned to Todoroki's side slightly out of breath. "Did he cut you anywhere?" He asked, sparing one glance at you.

"Nope, I'm good. We can't really run away, can we?" You said and looked at the three injured.

Midoriya, Iida and a pro hero, Native were all still unable to move due to the hero killer's quirk.

"Suzuki it's best to keep a distan--!"

"You have good friends, Ingenium!" Stain shouted and ran towards you two.

"A sword?!"

He threw his blade in the air at the same time and took out small daggers from his belt.

"He threw it at the same time as the Knife--" You pushed Todoroki out of the way and used your lightning to block the attack.

"That was close...!" You said as He created an ice wall.

"He's strong..."

"Why are you two... Why...Please, stop! I inherited my brother's name. I have to do it..."

You heard Iida's voice from behind. He was consumed by revenge and wasn't thinking straight. He needs us to make him realize.

"You inherited it? That's strange. The Ingenium I saw before didn't have that look on face, though!!" Todoroki yelled as Stain broke through the ice.

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