#12《First Place》

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Chapter 12

The male smirked as he ran towards you at full speed. You were ready to dodge, but decided to predict his move instead. Bakugo used his explosion to move to your side. You glanced at him, eyes turning a dark purple color as lightning struck down infront of him.

Bakugo stepped back for a moment before using his explosions to fly above you. He looked down at you with a devilish grin and unleashed a powerful explosion.

You barely managed to roll to the side and dodge.

"Why do you keep dodging? Can't fight me head on!?!?" Bakugo said making explosions in his palms.

The smoke cleared as you ran towards him. "You asked for it!!" You yelled and raised your lightninh fist to punch him.

The blonde was about to grab your fist when you used the wind to jump in the air. You did a flip and landed the punch on his back.

Bakugo groaned and swiftly turned his body around to blast you. Holy his reflexes are fire. Unluckily you were in the air and didn't have enough time to dodge.

You landed on the opposite side and wiped your forehead. You were sweating a lot more that usual. Bakugo on the other hand was getting stronger. The more he sweat, the more powerful his exposions got.

"I expected a lot more from you, Is that all you got!?!!"

He yelled as you stood up. He was trying to provoke you and it was working. The sky turned dark in the blink of an eye as lightning struck down near Bakugo.

He kept dodging and then ran towads you. You formed your hand into a fist and landed a solid punch on his stomach. The blonde groaned but somehow managed to raise his hand to your face and blast you.

Both of you went flying to the edge of the battle field.

You coughed a few times and used your hand to clear the smoke. "Man you're annoying." You mumbled as Bakugo flew out from the smoke.

He grabbed your hair and flipped you over to the ground. You grabbed his shoulder and used your quirk. He yelled in pain as he got electrocuted by your lightning.

Bakugo groaned and slammed you harshly on the ground. "Don't move, you got that?!!" He yelled while holding both of your hands above your head.

His other hand was pressing your face into the concrete. "You're really fucking annoying." You said as lightning struck him.

The blonde's grip loosened and you used this chance to kick him off of you. You created a lightning sword and slashed his arm.

Bakugo stepped back for a moment. He was panting like crazy, as were you. You pushed your hair back and looked down at your hand.

"I'm gonna kill you!!"

You were taken aback by his sudden outburst as he started spinning like a tornado. He was using the same move that he used against Todoroki.

Unfortunately you had no way of defending against it, so you had no choice but to fire an equally destructive attack.

You cracked your neck and started spinning your finger in circular motion. Soon enough a giant tornado formed infront of you.

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