#14 《Internship》

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Chapter 14

"So he sent you an offer?"

Todoroki said from behind you. You nodded with a chuckle. I certainly wasn't expecting that.

You thought Endeavour didn't care about training anyone, other than his son. "Will you accept?" He asked again after a pause.

"Probably, Are you going to your father's agency too?" You asked and flipped through the rest of the offers.

"As much as it hurts my pride, I have to. There's still a lot I can learn from him." Todoroki said and looked at you. "It'll be better with you around. I wouldn't have to listen to his constant rambling."

You laughed at his words and got up. Todoroki was so unintentionally funny, especially when he was talking shit about his father. "I'm glad to help out." You said and grabbed your backpack.

The day of the internship came and class 1-A gathered at the station. Mr. Aizawa was giving his usual pep-talk like a father figure.

"I hope all of you have your costumes and remember, you're not allowed to wear them outside. Off you go now." He said as you said goodbye to Kaminari, Kirishima and Ashido.

You decided it was best to accept the offer from Endeavour, after all, this might be the only time you get a chance like this.

Your father's agency was also on the list of offers, but... You had a feeling that Galacto would not take the intership seriously. I'm glad I didn't choose his agency.

"Iida, if you ever feel hopeless, you talk to us. We're friends, right?" You heard Midoriya say to the class rep.

Iida nodded and gave the green haired boy a smile. "I know."

You had a feeling that he was holding something back. His internship was also in Hosu city...

The same place his brother was attacked by the hero killer.

You glanced at him one last time and got on the train along with Todoroki. The ride to Endeavour's agency was mostly silent.

You would ask Todoroki some random questions about his father, but made sure not to cross the line. He led you towards the entrance of the agency.

The tall building was exactly what you expeced Endeavour's agency to look like.

The first floor was filled with sidekicks running around and doing all sorts of tasks.

"Ohhh, there you are Shoto. Endeavour said you were coming." A woman with flaming green hair said with a grin.

"This is burning, one of the sidekicks." Todoroki introduced her to you as she grabbed your hand and shook it. "I hope you enjoy your internship here. We wer all impressed by your performance at the sport's festival."

Oh, right.

You forgot that all of Japan watched you win the festival.

You rubbed the back of your neck and chuckled nervously. A large wooden door suddenly opened revealing the flame hero.

"You two, come to my office."

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