#06 《Roaring Festival》

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Chapter 06

The day of the sport's festival rolled around and the students of class 1-A nervously waited in the waiting room.

An unexpected Declaration of war broke the silence. Todoroki walked over infront of Midoriya.

"Midoriya, I know you've got All Might in your corner, so I'm gonna beat you."

The green-haired boy stayed quiet but was also surprised. "What's with all the declarations off war lately?" Kaminari said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

You couldn't quite tell if he was trying to calm the situation or if he just spilled more gasoline on a burning flame.

"Hey Todoroki why are you picking fights. We're friends, aren't we?"

Kirishima said holding his hand out to Todoroki, but he slapped it away. "I'm not here to make friends, And i will beat you." He said angrily. That's the most emotion you've heard from him.

Midoriya sqqtood straight and accepted His declaration. "Todoroki, I know You're better than me, But I'll do my best and beat you."

The half-red, half-white haired boy didn't say anything. The atmosphere became very gloomy, so you decided to speak up.

"You sure made things awkward, Todoroki." He turned to you, that same emotionless expression on his face, but there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

You sat infront of Uraraka who looked surpried by your sudden comment, on the other hand Jirou Agreed. "Yeah And right before the festival starts too."

The announcer which was present mic, yelled and huped up the large crowd in the arena. The door opened as you all made your way to the middle. Everyone was there, Hero course students, class A and B. Not to mention the general studies, support course and the business detartment were all participating.

Of course your class was well known for being the class who survived villians. That just made your class a target to everybody. "and Now Let's hear from the Hero course's representitive Katsuki Bakugo." Midnight, who was standing on the small stage said.

Bakugo stepped up on stage, everyone immediately became nervous. He's gonna say something stupid again isn't he.

"I just wanna say, I'm gonna win." He said calmly before all of the students started booing him.

Kirishima and Iida were trying stop him from emberrassing your class but it was too late. You almost burst out laughing at your classmates, who all went pale from Bakugo's words.

"The first game will be an obsticle race. You will run 4 kilometers outside of the arena, You are free to use your quirks as much a you want. Now get ready!!" Midnight said with an excited smile.

Just the entrance itself was the hardest part of the race. Everyone kept pushing and stepping on one-another. The lights turned green and everyone panicked. You managed to exit the tunnel and jumped to get to the front.That same jump saved you from Todoroki's first attack.

He froze most of the people right at the start. You were surprised at how many of your classmates managed to break free.

"What an unexpected attack from Shoto Todoroki from Class 1-A." Present Mic said in his usual Loud voice.

"So you avoided my ice? Try dodgeing this." Todoroki said as he noticed you catching up to him. He created an ice wall infront of you to block your way.

You smirked and blasted your way through with lightning.

"What a rivalry between Shoto Todoroki and Mira Suzuki for the number one spot!!!! Both of them are from class 1-A!!"

The race continued as the robots from the entrance exam blocked your path. That's it? This is wayy too easy.

Todoroki was still ahead of you and you could hear Bakugo's explosions getting louder by the second.

The half-hot half-cold boy placed his icy hand on the ground and froze all the robots in one swipe. "That was incredible, He stopped the robots in one go!!!"

Present mic yelled into the microphone earning a look of disapproval from Aizawa. Todoroki rushed past the robots leaving you in the dust.

These pieces of junk were threatning to fall at any moment, so you had to act quick.

You formed a ball of lighting in your palm and blasted the robots away. Some parts of metal came flying towards the students behind you.

They gasped in shock almost getting crushed to death.

Todoroki was still ahead, not stopping for one moment. The last obstacle was made to slow the first runner down. The boy with heterochronic eyes carefully natigated through the traps.

That was until Bakugo caught up to him. The two fought and tried reaching the end faster.

"Todoroki and Bakugo are fighting for first place!!" Present Mic said. Everyone was watching the race closely. You were running behind them, not wanting to get involved in the fight.

You had to think of distraction.

Suddenly there was a big explosion from behind. Midoriya came flying towards bakugo and Todoroki at an insane speed. He was holding onto a piece of the robot.

This is exactly what I needed. Thanks Midoriya.

"What was that explosion just now, Is that Midoriya from class A flying to first place!?!?!" The arena Filled with cheers.

He stepped on Bakugo and Todoroki to slap the metal piece back on the ground. The traps set off again as he flew forward. You took that chance to run past Todoroki and Bakugo.

Midoriya crossed the finish line, entering the arena and winning first place. You ran right behind him getting second place. That's not bad, But Midoriya's plan was amazing.

"Good job Midoriya." You said with an impressed smile. He smiled back, still panting from the race. "Wow you got second place, Nice work." He said happily.

The ones that weren't happy came right behind you. Todoroki was 3rd place and Bakugou 4th. He was furious.

Todoroki looked unsatisfied with his placement. That's when you noticed a fimiliarperson watching the festival with his usual dipleased/mad expression.

The flaming hero Endeavor. So that's the reason Todoroki's so worked up.

"For students who didn't get to shine in the first game will get a chance to prove themselves in this next one Which will be a cavalry battle. Let me explain the rules. You can choose a team from 2 to 4 players, however you see fit, It's like a normal playground game, but with a twist...

...Each team will get a point score based on the last game's results. So for example Number 42 in the last game is 5 points, 41_ 10 points. The first place player is worth 10 million points." The whole arena went quiet. Poor Midoriya everyone will go after his team. With 10 million points victory is guaranteed.

You saw him freeze under the hungry eyes of all the students.

"If you purposely make a team fall I'll slap you with a red card, you'll be eliminated. You have 15 minutes to choose a team. Good luck."

Midnight said as students started looking for their teammates. This was a pretty intresting game, Although you still had to find a proper team, and fast.


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