warm fuzzies

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It was close to 9:00pm when Tim finally entered Lucy's apartment. It was more of a shared living space at this point though; Tim was not sure if he could remember the last time he had spent more than one night in a row alone at his own place or Lucy at hers.

He was really enjoying how their lives were blending. He smiled when he saw her one of her t-shirts balled up on the floor of his bedroom or when he saw her shampoo bottle in the corner of his shower. He loved that, even when Lucy wasn't physically at his place, there were still little bits of her sprinkled around.

"You didn't have to wait up" he noted Lucy was sitting at the countertop with a mug of hot tea and a book laying open in front of her. "I know" she smiled softly. "There's rice and chicken in the fridge" Lucy looked back down at her book as Tim toed off his shoes and hung up his coat. "Thank you" he smiled walking over to her and kissing her on the side of her head.

Lucy sat quietly reading as Tim heated up and ate the leftovers she had cooked. She wished their schedules lined up a little more, but she was happy for the peaceful nights they got to spend together after both of their shifts were over. Neither of them spoke. Both of them appreciated just being with each other in silence after a long shift. It was a comforting way to unwind.

As Tim got up to wash off his dishes, Lucy also stood up and closed her book. "I'm going to bed" she announced turning over her shoulder. "I'll be there in a few minutes" Tim promised as she disappeared into her bedroom.

After getting ready for bed himself, Tim followed Lucy into bed and pulled the thick pile of blankets over both of them. "I love you" he whispered leaning over to kiss her before turning off the lamp on her side of the bed. "I love you too" Lucy replied sleepily and sighed comfortably, turning her body so her head fell gently on Tim's shoulder.

Tim was exhausted and started to drift off to sleep quickly until suddenly he felt what could only be described as ice cubes wedge themselves underneath his lower back. "OH MY GOD" he gasped immediately pushing Lucy away from him leaving her in a fit of giggles. "Timmmmm..." she whined still laughing "My feet are so cold."

"Lucy, what the hell" Tim chuckled gingerly re-joining her in their previous spots. "Please help me warm up" Tim peered over at his partner and, although it was dark, he could see her bottom lip protruding in a pout. "Luce—" Before Tim could argue again, Lucy curled her knees up toward her chest and pressed her feet against Tim's middle. "WHAT" Tim tried to pull away, but this time Lucy held him firmly in place with her, arguably, equally as cold hands. "Oh my god, Luce" Tim groaned gasping in discomfort.

"You're just so warm" she giggled happily causing Tim to crack a smile. "You are horrible" he spat back between laughs. "But you love meeeeee" She sang back in a silly tone. "That I do" Tim groaned, defeated. Lucy sighed happily, and Tim was relieved to feel her hands and feet finally warming up against him. "Happy?" Tim grumbled with a hint of laughter still in his voice. "The happiest" Lucy sighed curling up against him.

"Ohhh... I don't know about that" Tim warned reaching over and beginning to tickle her stomach. "TIM!!" Lucy shrieked dissolving in giggles again. "If I don't get to sleep, then neither do you" Tim smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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