not nothing

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lucy gave an exasperated sigh when she woke up to her alarm clock ringing. she quickly shut it off and wrapped herself tighter in her disheveled blankets. she blinked several times and finally decided that being on time for roll call was more important than catching a few extra minutes of sleep. as she stood up, though, she felt a wave of nausea that caused her to sit back down quickly at the edge of her bed. confused, she paused for a few seconds and, deciding that she must have just stood up too fast, went on to get ready for the day.

"i made you some breakfast!" exclaimed tamara as lucy walked into the kitchen to pour herself some coffee. "is this another clip-tok recipe?" lucy raised an eyebrow at a cinnamon roll and scrambled egg concoction sitting on the counter. "noooo..." tamara giggled "just try it and then you can judge." lucy rolled her eyes and stabbed at the questionable breakfast with a fork "fine" she gingerly took a bite and almost spit it right back out. "oh.." she paused for a few seconds and forced herself to swallow "creative...." tamara rolled her eyes as lucy took a few more curtesy bites "don't want to be late!" lucy smiled "guess you'll have to finish it for me!" "no way!" tamara laughed and scraped the rest of the meal into the trash "see you later!" she called as lucy rushed out the door.

lucy climbed into her car feeling kind of sore. she was confused because, sure she worked out a few times this week but nothing too intense, and she hadn't eaten anything out of the ordinary for her, except for tamara's disaster of a breakfast this morning. as she drove to the station, she realized that she couldn't attribute her morning queasiness or sore abdomen to her period because it just ended last week. weird, she thought, probably just an off day. she parked her car and walked up to the briefing room.

morning chatter from her coworkers distracted lucy from her confusion... almost. she found herself in a daze before sargent grey dismissed the squad to their assignments. she shook her self back to the present and stood up with some effort and turned to nolan "hey where am i today?" she whispered quietly in hopes to not be overheard by grey who had definitely just finished giving her orders. "uh, with tim, like you have been all month?" replied nolan with some question in his voice. "everything okay, lucy?" he asked searching her face with a concerned look. "y-yeah" she shook her head "no, just making sure i heard right" she shrugged and turned to go prep their shop. she didn't even stop to banter with bradford on her way out the glass doors.

the queasiness lucy felt in her stomach hadn't gone away, and, in fact, lucy could swear it was becoming more nagging as the morning went on. when the distributing officer handed her equipment to load up into the shop, she winced at a soreness she felt in her middle. "you good?" aaron asked, overhearing lucy's small exertion. "yeah..." she trailed off "yeah, i'm fine..." she looked down at the gear she was carrying. "you know, actually, do you have any motrin?" she asked. "oh, yeah, for sure." aaron set down the duffle he was carrying and fished around inside for a few seconds before presenting lucy with a small bottle of pills. "thanks" lucy smiled and popped a couple into her mouth and washing it down with her coffee. "no sweat" aaron nodded and tossed the medicine back into his bag as he turned to set up his own shop for detective harper and himself. whatever it was, lucy, reasoned that some motrin couldn't hurt. maybe she was just sore from an intense foot chase or maybe having some leftover period cramps.

"you're driving today" tim exclaimed just as lucy was closing the back hatch of the shop. "sure" she agreed and made her way around to the left side of the suv. as they pulled out on the streets of la, lucy sent up a silent prayer that today would be calm. the partners made small talk ranging anywhere from predictions on calls they would have to respond to today to childhood memories. conversation came easy for these two, and they reveled in the comfort. tim noticed, though, that his talkative boot wasn't her usual, chipper self today. "everything okay, boot?" he asked turning to study her face. the corners of lucy's mouth slightly turned up at her nickname. "oh yeah" she answered way too quickly causing tim to raise his eyebrows. "why?" she feigned a confused look at her superior officer. "you just seem kind of quiet today" he shrugged not taking his eyes off her face. lucy internally scolded herself "oh, no, just a little sleepy still, that's all" she brushed off his question and making a note to herself to try to act more normal so tim wouldn't think she was a wimp for struggling with an upset stomach of all things. tim nodded slowly and turned back to face the road not entirely accepting his partner's words.

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