They don't look old enough to be Aran's soldiers and even if they are, I doubt Aran would allow his men to join him at the table. So I guess they are his sons.

I take a few hesitant step towards the table and sat down on the chair Aran gestured for me to sit. I felt a bit awkward to be intruding on family breakfast or to be here at all.

Both sons casts me surprised glances and looked at each other before focusing back on the food before them.

I ignore the man who's seated not quite far from me and took a plate and a fork, dishing some of the food onto the plate.

I could feel the heat of his stare, searing through my skin and torching my soul. No matter how tempted I am to look at him, I don't. I'm still a bit upset about the way he dismissed me last night. Something changed between us that night. I knew deep down that I would have willing given myself to him if he went along with whatever was passing through his head that very moment.

But he didn't.

God! What is wrong with me?

I need to stop feeling this way about a man whose sole purpose is to torment me for the rest of my life.

"Did you sleep well?" The huskiness of his voice sends a vibration through my body and all the way down to my core.

My grip on the fork tightened as I cut a piece of the French toast accompanied with scrambled eggs and slip it into my mouth. I chew on it for a while, relishing on the delicious taste before swallowing it and turning my head to him.

My brows went up to my forehead in surprise. I expected to stare into the blueness of his eyes, the very one I saw last night but instead, I'm met with that same black eyes I was familiar with.

"Yes I did." I answer, taking a sip of the fruit smoothie not once taking my eyes off him. "Why do you wear contact lense to hide the true colour of your eyes?"

He drops the utensils down on the plate quite harshly, his jaw hardening and his face contorting in anger. Both of his sons freeze probably expecting their father to explode in a fit of rage while keeping their eyes glued to their food.

Shockingly, he takes in a deep breath and picks his utensils back up, speaking with an hard edge to his tone. "I don't see how that is any of your concern. Just a piece of advice, Rayne, don't ask me such questions next time." I let out a scoff and slip another bite of toast into my mouth. After a moment of silence, he clears his throat and speaks, "Anyway, Rayne meet my sons, Kamol and Van. I'm sure you know which one is the oldest of the two. And boys meet Rayne Horton. She will be staying here for a while until I've got things settled for her."

"Nice to meet you both." I offer a small awkward wave and they both nod their head in acknowledgement. Great. First it's their father and now it's them. Men of this family seem to not to like me very much.

We hear the sound of the front door slam shut followed by footsteps before Kane appears by the doorway. "Good morning to you sir." He greets his boss who waves dismissively at him before he diverts his attention to Van. "Alright, kid. Let's go."

"Relax, Kane. We're taking my dad's jet so there's no need to hurry." Van says with a tiny smirk.

Kane rolls his eyes. "We've got to hurry, Van, if we want to get to the airport on time and beat the traffic. The vice Chancellor wants you to be at the school before 11am. Come on, let's go. Be lucky your dad is respected and feared for her to allow this."

"Fine." He grumbles and stands to pick up his suitcase by the doorway.

"Remember what I said, Van. Do not mess up." Aran says in a warning tone, a frown marring his features.

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