" Well, wish we could go back..but we can't.." He sighs dramactically making me chuckle as we walk further. " Oh, so she can smile." He teases.

" I'd quit while your somewhat ahead."

He laughs, " Ok..ok.. I'll stop..for now. So, how about we eat? Get a good start on our day?"

I shake my head, " Not hungry."

" Xaden says I need to keep you safe...and healthy. So I think eating is an order." He counters.

" Then I guess it's a good thing Xaden isn't here then to control what I can and can't do."

" I'm sure he'd love hearing that.." Liam mutters.

" I'm sure he commanded you to give reports on me so I'm sure you'll tell him. Actually.. I'd just tell him myself and tell him how stupid this bodyguard thing is."

" I invite you too. Just as long as I can watch." He grins yet again. " But it's not only Xaden who's requesting you to eat.. It's an order."

" From you?"

He nods, " From me."

" Well, you know what I say?"

He still grins but I see his eyes narrow, " And what do you say?"

" Shove that idea up your ass Mairi."

" Will you just have something small at least and shut up?"

I shake my head, " One thing you'll learn about me is I don't shut up, my mouth gets in inot more trouble then good."

He snorts, " I know that. I've known you for what? 30 minutes and I already know your a smartass and a damn brat."

" I don't know.. You seem to be smiling alot considering I'm a ' smartass' and a ' brat'."

He rolls his eyes, " I'm smiling because your annoying, and quite frankly pissing me off."

I hum, " Sure..sure.." I couldn't help but grin as well, seeing his shoots right back it's quite entertaining. " So.. How did you get picked to accompany me?"

This makes him chuckle again. " You already know."

" Because.. Your part of Xaden's little gang?"

" Or because I'm good at everything and should be ranked first... But yea.. it's because I'm part of his little gang."

" Sounds like your a little upset about that number 2 rank."

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