Too attached

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Roan's eyes starts to flutter open as light comes through the window of the cabin. Squinting he closes his eyes and turns his head further down to hide away from the light, snuggling his face into the soft furs, wait, no not fur. He frowns and slowly opens his eyes to look and they widen as he's met by your hair.

He stares at your head.

Letting out a breath he apparently had been holding, the hair blows away and shows your now exposed neck. Feeling his heartbeat start to quicken its pace, he tries to slowly move away from you. Only to find himself not just lying close to you, but completely tangled with you.

His chest was pressed up against your back, your legs tangled with his. He could feel your cold feet touching his, giving him a soft shudder. His arm was under your head, his bicep as your pillow and the other was wrapped around you with his hand on your stomach. Literally, it had slid itself up under your shirt and he was touching your soft skin.

So soft, everything was soft and smooth.

He tries to pry himself loose from you, but somehow in your sleep you instantly felt the loss of touch and pulled him back. He then realises your hands were intertwined with his. One with the hand under your head and the other was holding over his on your stomach.

Roan was not sure how he'd managed to get in this position during the night. He knows you fell asleep before him, because he had a tendency to stare at you a bit after he heard your breathing even out, indicating you had fallen asleep. And he knew he fell asleep laying on his back looking at the ceiling, thinking about you.

He lets out a slight shaky breath as he pries himself loose from you, thanking whoever there is to thank for not waking you up in the process.

Deciding to leave as soon as possible to get a job to distract his thoughts, he hurriedly but quietly puts his jacket and boots on. Grabbing his sword and bow he stops by the door involuntarily to look at you, he tries to fight it but somehow he just ends up walking back to you. Bending down he looks at your face, sleeping with a peaceful expression on your face. He strokes a hair from your face and pulls it behind your ear.

"What are you doing to me, Mahena?" He whispers to himself in Azgeda.

His face turns to shock as he realises what he just called you. Being a rare word used in his language, it's what you call the person you love. He frowns and shakes his head, he didn't love you, he couldn't.

He sighs and stands up, leaving to find himself a job to take his thoughts of you away from his mind. As impossible as it feels, he needed to try.

(I just made it up btw, 'Mahena' will be a cute pet name Roan calls her in Azgeda.)


He had never really had the urge to protect one person so much before, sure he would protect his people, but if that meant sacrificing one for the many he would easily do it. Though now, if that person was you, then he wasn't sure if he would be able to do it.


Even though falling asleep apart, every morning you find yourselves curled up and tangled together. Either you have moved closer in your sleep and ended up leaning into his side for warmth or he has rolled over during the night to spoon you unintentionally.

It surprises him the first few times because it wasn't like him to initiate physical touch like that. Cuddling. He sighs annoyed with himself. Somehow he couldn't get enough of yours. He had an urge to hold you, have you close, to protect you.

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