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You're too busy working in the medbay and they don't really inform you on everything anyway, so you don't know Roan was on his way with his army. If you were told, you would've stepped up and said something, to maybe help. But Clarke left and no one told you anything.

Niylah was helping out with Octavia when you were out of the room for a minute. They go to find Ilian, and are gone when you come back. Not thinking anything of it, you just continue helping a a man who had injured himself while working today.

Then suddenly Arkadia was on fire.

Everyone was out and it was just you still inside. The injured man you were with in med bay earlier had just sprinted out when he understood what was happening and you had hit your head from the first blast, just laying unconscious on the floor, taking a moment to come back to.

Coughing and covered in sweat and ash you were running through the halls, trying to find the way out through the smoke.

Stumbling slightly you manage to get yourself out just before the last blast but it makes you stumble and fall from the force.

"Y/n?" Roan frowns in confusion, squinting his eyes, having seen a figure run out of the burning wreck. Then recognising you, his eyes widen in panic.

"Y/N!" Bellamy exclaimed, seeing you. Him still holding Octavia, Clarke was about to run to you but stops in her tracks when a figure runs past her toward you.

Frowning in confusion she sees the King running and picking you up, carrying you up to the others. You were breathing heavily and coughing in his arms. He carefully layed you down beside Bellamy, Octavia and Clarke.

You feel someone hold your head and blinking rapidly to clear your vision you look at whoever holds you.

"Roan?" You croak out in question, then coughing violently. His wide eyes are looking your face over before checking your body for injuries too.

"Help her!" He tells Clarke. She leans down and checks you, while Roan caress you head in worry. Telling him you'll be okay, he relaxes slightly.

"Breathe. You're okay, Mahena." He says when you start coughing again, he strokes some hair that had stuck to your forehead from sweat.

"It's okay, I'm okay, Roan." You reassure him, seeing the worry in his eyes. "What happened?" You ask him, feeling dizzy and tired as you lay in his arms.

"Shh. It's okay don't worry about that right now. Take it easy and breathe." He tells you as you try to focus on breathing properly.

"My King, what is this?" Echo asks him.

You tiredly look over at a woman frowning or glaring at you, in either hate or confusion, maybe both. Roan then realises where he is and makes Clarke take you from him.

He goes to talk with Echo, to explain, telling her who you are. She isn't happy about him showing care for a Sky person in that way, she could see that her King felt something for you. But he reminded her sternly that his loyalty is with his people and she felt better about where her King's priorities was. And luckily the others from his guard hadn't seen the interaction.

You were confused about the woman, at first you thought she might've been jealous but then you saw her glance at Bellamy with a look of some kind and you left that thought, and realised she was just not expecting her King to show any kind of care for a Sky person. You decided you would keep your distance so his people wouldn't get the wrong idea. His loyalty lay with them, not you.

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