The Ring

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Clarke fixed you up but you would be unconscious for an unknown period of time. She couldn't even promise you would wake up.

Roan was almost shaking from worry for you. Clarke puts a hand on his shoulder and squeezes it while he holds your hand tightly staring at your face with tears forming in his eyes.

He stands up, stroking your head, then turns to her.

"What can I do to help?" He asks her.

He helps the others get the rocket ready, at least with what he could help with.

(Not sure about what he does but just imagine him somewhere I guess, maybe loading the rocket and stuff.)


Bellamy asks about Echo, but Roan doesn't care one bit, just focusing on you. Roan carries you to the rocket and Murphy reaches out to help lift you in. He lifts you up and they both get you into the rocket. Putting you in a seat and Murphy buckles you in, Roan strokes some hair away from your face.

"Mahena, hang in there. We're safe soon, and then I need you to wake up." Roan tells you and kiss your forehead. "I love you." He whispers into you.

Murphy helps him buckle in beside you, since he's not familiar with any of this.

Bellamy comes into the rocket and you have to leave without Clarke.

Roan reaches out to hold your hand as they take off.


When in space, Roan, Echo and Emori watches in fascinating at Raven floating weightlessly in the rocket. Having never seen anything like it, they could feel it to, floating in their seats.

Clarke gets the power on the Ark.

When getting into the Ark. Bellamy helps Roan carry you inside. They had to start sharing oxygen as they found the went. They take off Raven and your helmets to give the two of you more air, you had started to gasp for more air in your unconscious state.

Monty and Bellamy works on getting the oxygen on when the others share what they have. Almost out of air Roan moves you closer and into his arms before everyone pass out. Then the air turns on and some of them wake up helping the others get closer to the went. Roan gasps and immediately look frantically around for you, taking you and dragging you closer to the went.


Praimfaya has destroyed earths surface and you, Roan, Bellamy, Raven, Echo, Emori, Murphy, Monty and Harper was now on the Ring in space.

Clarke had saved you all, but was stuck down on earth. Dead for all you knew.


You were put in a bed, still unconscious.

"I need you, Y/n. I won't make it up here without you, do you hear me? So you have to wake up." Roan tells you.

As the days went by, at night Roan would sleep beside you holding you close. Feeling lost up here in this tin box in space, without you. Afraid you would never wake up, but he held on to the hope that you would.

At day he would help out the others getting the Ring set up for the next five years. They all came by every now and then, to check up on you, talking to you as you just slept there, not showing any signs of waking up.


Echo came by once when Roan didn't know, because she wasn't sure if he would let her. She stands awkwardly beside the bed.

"Uhm, hey." She says hesitantly. "I just wanted to thank you. For not letting Roan take the suit back then. I didn't deserve it, but still you wouldn't let me die. I'll forever be grateful for that."

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