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Roan jumps out of the truck and gives you a hand, helping you down. Clarke is about to get out too when her mother stops her.

"I'll catch up." She tells you and you leave with Roan, Miller and Jackson.

Walking beside Roan in silence you feel his hand brush against yours but none of you make a move.

Seeing Kane up ahead, you smile.

Walking toward him you notice Roan slowing down and stopping, so you turn to him. You see him look at Kane suspiciously.

"Where are the guards?" He asks Kane and you turn, now noticing the same.

"Our people aren't back from Arkadia yet." Kane tells him.

"Kane, don't! Roan!" You hear and turn to see Clarke running toward you but her mother stops her.

Roan pulls his sword out and your eyes widen when you see people approaching from the woods.

"Trikru. What is this?" Roan growls.

Before they get to him, arrows are flying at the Trikru people.

Then Azgeda people come out and attack, one man kicks you to the ground and Roan hisses at him to not touch you, which he then backs off. Roan helps you up and whispers in your ear.

"Look scared, just in case."

"I am scared." You hiss at him in a whisper.

"Just stop hiding it. I can't risk my people second guessing my priorities."

Understanding, you nod and watch them tie up your friends.

Roan looks around too until his eyes land on Echo coming out.

"Welcome back to Polis, my King." She says.

You follow her to Polis with Roan, worriedly glancing behind you at your friends.

Kane was confused about you not being tied up like the rest of them, but sees your scared expression, and thinks the king just doesn't see you as a threat or something. But you were just scared for your friends, not knowing what was waiting for you at Polis and you weren't sure what you thought about this Echo girl yet.


Roan burst opens the doors and walk into some meeting room or something in the tower.

"Okay, we're safe." He says, speaking in Azgeda. "Explain." He orders Echo.

"Cage the prisoners. Ten men on the door." Echo tells the guards.

"Bring Wanheda to me." Roan orders before the leave. "I said, explain." He then tells her in English, but she glances at you.

Roan looks at you and thinks for a moment. You look between the two feeling a bit uneasy, but you manage to hide it. Echo looks at you curiously. Then remembering you from Arkadia she frowns at you.

When Roan address a guard, you turn fully to him.

"Take her to my room." He tells a guard, making it sound like it's not your choice and the people not to think he cares for you other than to have you in his bed, you give him a slight glare.

My People (Roan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now