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You knock gently on the door to the room Roan had went to take a shower in. Hearing a deep voice saying 'come in', you open the door.

Going in you hold the med kit in your hands, then glancing up you see him exiting the bathroom shirtless. His still wet hair dripping water down his defined upper body, and you shamelessly stare.

"You're staring, Mahena." He says with a smirk and you look at his face again, putting down the kit you put your hands on hips raising an eyebrow at him.

"Can you blame me?" You say and gesture to his body.

He chuckles and shakes his head at you. You turn to the med kit with a smile and start telling him why you're there.

"I saw you got cut in the fight, I knew it wasn't deep since you barely bled, so I didn't want to bother you with it yet, but now I have to take a look, just in case." You tell him and then jump slightly at the sudden contact on your hips.

Glancing down you see his hands on your hips, gently he turns you around to him. You look up at him and he just stares into your eyes for a moment.

"You can be very annoying, but.." He adds the 'but' immediately smiling down at you when you raised an eyebrow. "You could never bother me." He then tells you.

You smile up at him, moving your hands up to wrap around his neck. You feel him pull you closer until your body is against him. Still, both of you just staring into each other's eyes. Then his eyes move to your lips and you fight yourself from grinning. He slowly and hesitantly starts to lean in.

Just then someone knocks on the door. You both sprung apart, turning to the door. Then realising no one says anything you both say 'What?', in unison and your hand flies to your mouth.

It hadn't really been loud enough to hear over his deeper voice when you both called out, because you weren't loud when saying it and he had raised his voice, annoyed with being interrupted.

You remove your hand and mouth a sorry to Roan and he just chuckles before going to the door. His people wasn't around now so he didn't really care. He opens the door slightly and share a few words with Clarke while you get the kit ready.

After that you only check his cut and find it to be okay without any need to stitch, you quickly clean and bandage it. He didn't think he needed it but didn't mind the attention you gave him.

Feeling his eyes on you as you leave, so you glance at him, catching his eyes right before you move out of sight.


Later you had found out what they were going to do. And you were in shock and disbelief at what they were going to do.

"I don't care what he's done beforehand. This is wrong!" You exclaim.

After having argued with the others at what they were going to do to some stranger, you finally gave up and relented.

"Fine. Then I will do it." You tell them.

"What?" They all ask in shock.

"What!?" Roan asks the loudest, taking a step closer and grabbing your arm when you tried to walk over to Abby. "You will not." He tells you sternly.

My People (Roan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now