Four Months

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Roan was surprised by himself when he said yes. He shouldn't really be here and he should definitely not be with you, a Sky person. He should probably kill you, but he couldn't get himself to even consider it.

He agrees to teach you a few things just to be able to at least try to protect yourself and to have the necessary skills to be able to survive in this environment, then he would leave you. He couldn't really stay, he shouldn't even help you, but he did.


As you stayed together for longer, you talked more. The language barrier a bit of a struggle in the beginning, but eventually you find each other understanding more and more, not just words but also body language and reactions. You found him fascinating and interesting.

As his English was getting better from using it regularly and remembering more, it got easier. He would tell you about everything that he has heard has happened when your people first came down to the ground. You tried to tell him their side of it all, but you could also understand a bit of their reasoning for thinking your people were a threat.

Roan told you that he is banished from his clan as part of a deal to allow the Ice Nation to join the Coalition, forced by the Commander, Lexa. Queen Nia had tortured and killed her lover, because she believed that she knew all of Lexa's secrets. In retaliation, Lexa banished Nia's son, Prince Roan, him, as part of the conditions for allowing Azgeda into her Coalition.

During his exile, he's making a living as a bounty hunter. He would sometimes be gone for few days on jobs, while you stayed in the cabin.


You're out with Roan, trying to learn how to use a bow and arrow. After your fifth try, you pull the string back and aim again, but he interrupts you.

"No." He sighs annoyed. "Stronger. But relaxed." He says and puts a hand on your stomach and the other on the small of your back.

You were slightly taken aback by the sudden touch, but welcomed it as he guided you into the right position and told you how to breathe properly.

Realising he let his hand linger on you, he steps back clearing his throat.

"Again." He says nodding for you to shoot as he crosses his arms.

Taking a deep breath you realise the arrow when you exhale. The arrow hits the target for the first time and you cheer excitedly. His lip tugged a bit upward in a small smirk at your shot.

Then suddenly he has to catch himself with a nearby tree to not fall over by the impact when you had suddenly jumped and hugged him. His eyes were wide in panic as he just stood there, one hand on the tree keeping him up straight and the other just hanging limp beside him.

You pull back and smile brightly at him. His heart skips a beat and he stares at you when you walk over to the target to pull out the arrow to try again.


You asked him if he could bring you somewhere you could get cleaned up.

He brings you to a lake, making sure it's secluded and no one close by. Once you reach the shore you shudder lightly at the thought of how cold it would be.

You start undressing, not minding Roan standing there. His eyebrows raise a bit at you not caring that he was watching, he tries to look away but found it harder the more skin he saw. When you were standing in just your underwear, you look up and find him staring at you.

My People (Roan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now