Chapter 29 : A sole begining

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Héctor could blearily think as he watched his wife and daughter , they had to endure and all the pain they went through just because of one stupid mistake he made.

Victoria could see how much this was hurting him and went to hug him for comfort and reassurance that everything was okay and it was soon followed by Elena, he smiled happy to See his family and the reassurance he needed was right here.

"It's not your fault Abuelo understand that". Victoria said

"Si, thank you my darling Mijas". He thanked

Miguel : "And the Mamá she didn't have time to cry over that walk away musician, After banishing all music from her life she found a way to provide for her daughter ".

The next scene shows The Papiel picado turning bright red as a sign of new hope and new beginnings as she picked up her little girl.

Miguel : "She rolled up her sleeves and learned to make shoes".

It then showed Imelda hammering in a nail making a pair of shoes from scratch and then her holding her work and looking at them with a smile.

"You learned to make Shoes just like that". Antonio piped

"Si Antonio it took a few tries but once I got there it was smooth sailing from there". Imelda smirked

"I am so proud of you". Héctor whispered as he kissed her cheek and she turned red

"That's Mamá Imelda for you she's not one to give up". Manny smiled

"Si, we are very proud to be her family after all she sacrificed a lot". Miguel said

"Si, we are very proud ". Berto smirked

Imelda smirked and chuckled at her family's comments but knew that she was stronger with them.

The papiel picado then shows Imelda giving Coco her first ever pair of shoes and the little girl was more than happy to receive them.

Miguel : " Now she could have made candy or piñatas or sparkly underwear for wrestlers but no she chose shoes".

"Mijo did you really think I was going sparkly underwear for wrestlers?" Imelda chuckled

"Hey you can't blame me for thinking of ideas I just thought it would sound more interesting ". Miguel put his hands up

Imelda chuckled at his ideas.

"Yeah Primo That's Never going to happen ". Abel laughed

"Well excuse me for my 12 year old brain coming up with ideas". Miguel huffed

"Who knows Chamaco maybe it will happen one day". Héctor smiled

"Maybe, but I doubt Mamá Imelda will go for the sparkly underwear idea". Miguel laughed

They all chuckled at the thought and smiled.

"That Miguelito is where I draw I line". Imelda drew the invisible line with her bony finger

The papiel picado showed a young beautiful woman leaping through to the other side and sitting down so that Imelda could show her how to make shoes.

Miguel : "Then she taught her daughter how to make shoes".

"Wow you do look pretty Mamá Coco ". Benny smiled

"Gracias Mijo ". Coco blushed

Héctor watched at what a beautiful strong woman his daughter had turned into and smiled.

"Very beautiful just like your Mamá ". Héctor whispered

Coco Smiled at the comment.

It then showed Coco bringing a young man home as he on the hand looked nervous as he waved to Imelda.

Miguel: "Then later she taught her son in law".

"Ay Amor never change". Coco laughed

"Never". He nodded

Héctor and Imelda looked proud as their daughter had found the man she loves even after death.

The papiel picado then switched to two little girls running around the workshop as the rest were making shoes.

Miguel: " Then her grandkids got roped into it and as the family grew so did the Business".

Then it showing a shoemaker sign being put up by Oscar and Felipe as Imelda stood back and watched.

"You really didn't need me did you?" Héctor joked

"You idiot I'll always need you no matter what it's not your fault ". Imelda hugged him and he smiled

Miguel: "You See That woman was my great great grandmother Mamá Imelda ".

The papiel picado stops as it pans down to a beautiful woman with a stern face in a glass frame with her daughter sitting on her lap and the man's face torn off.

Before Imelda could even apologise he looked at her with a look as if to say ' Don't even think or dare to apologise it not your fault you had your reasons'.

Imelda understood immediately and knew that he Was serious.

"I never liked that photo". Imelda stated

"I do". Héctor smiles

"You look beautiful Mamá I like it it shows your strength ". Coco comments

"Si Mamá Coco is right". Berto agreed

All the kids and the Madrigals nodded in agreement

Miguel : " She died way before I was born".

Miguel: " But my family stills tells her story every year on Dia de Los Muertos the day of the dead".

The next scene shows A beautiful ofrenda with all the marigolds, pictures , candles and food set up underneath.

" Wow this beautiful you do this every year?" Julieta coaxed

"Yep every single year with every photo we can get our hands on mostly family ". Miguel smiled

"Well it's beautiful ". Pedro states

Miguel: "And her little girl that's My great grandmother Mamá Coco".

It then shows the photo zoomed in to see a certain curious little girl on her mother's lap With her head coaxed.

"Aww look at you Mija Muy Linda ". Héctor cooed

Imelda smiled and Coco gently hugged at her Papà's side.

"You do look adorable Mamá Coco ". Enrique said

"Si". Luisa follows

The next scene shows the glass reflecting an older more wrinkled woman her hear all grey as she has her up in twin braids.

Then it shows a 12 year old boy walking up with an orange in his hand and smiling and then handing her a piece of that orange.

Miguel: "Hola Mamá Coco ".

Both families smiled at the close relationship he had with his grandmother and loved watching him interact with her even tough she'd lost most of her memory.

"Thank you for taking care of me Mi Miguelito ". Coco hugged and kissed him

"She's right thank you for taking great care Chamaco ". Héctor states

"No problem besides I love you guys very much and I would do the same thing if you needed it.

They all smiled excited of what was to come next...

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