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"What did you do" Tony asked with an obvious irritated tone of voice looking through the hole that was now in my bathroom wall "it was all wades fault-" Wade then interrupted "no it wasn't she-" "I was cleaning my bathroom then he spawned and" "she hit the -" "and it blew up" before we could finish 'explaining' if you could even call it that it was mostly just me and Wade talking over each other him blaming me me blaming him you know normal best friend things

"You know what dosnt matter this repair will take at least a week and a half til then you'll be using Barnes bathroom" Tony explained with an evil smirk "what why cant I just use the one from the empty rooms?" I asked annoyed I know this is another one of Tony's plans to annoy Barnes

"It's what you get for ruining the bathroom in my tower so for now on till your bathroom is fixed you use Buckys bathroom and Friday will tell me if you use another one" he smirked evilly
Before I could protest he walked out as wade laughed at me "shut up" he tried to contain his laughter but ended up bursting out laughing, I knew that I couldn't just turn FRIDAY off because Tony has updated her so I would no longer be able to disconnect her but luckily Barnes is in a mission and he shouldn't be back for a few more days so it won't be that bad

You may be wondering how we ended up with a big hole in my bathroom wall, well let me explain, WADE  saw a TikTok about bathbomb explosions, where he added bathbombs ,baking soda,lime and other things mix them together and create a volcano, well Wade isint great with instructions so he added a few of his own ingredients that were NOT in the instructions and didn't measure any thing and I accidentally tipped it over and long story short a hole ended up in my wall

Wade pov ———
She's lying SHE IS LYING whatever she said it wasn't true it was her idea

My pov ————

Me and Wade went out for coffee which Sam joined us since he felt left out and said I was 'his bestie boo' first (his words not mine)  so we all went out to eat and get coffee then we had a gossip session you know as one does ,after eating i had someone mission reports to do so Wade went out with peter which im afraid of to see the outcome of that, Sam went with Steve on a run, and yelena,Kate and pietro were in my office trying to get me to watch a movie with them (yelena was throwing popcorn at me, while Kate and pietro called me boring)  so I caved (they bullied me into it) and we watched a movie

before I knew it it was night time, I normally shower around this time so that's what I did I grabbed my body wash and loofa I normally would've taken my hair products but it wasn't a hair wash day so I only needed my body wash, I went into his bathroom setting my towel and other items down my pink towel and loofa contrasting his dark bathroom everything was dark besides  his 'old spice' shower items,the bathroom had  black marble walls and a black sink,which was the opposite from mine in my bathroom I have white marble walls and a white sink with a big window to make it look more alive

The room smelled nice, like teakwood or pine ,I made a little room in his bathroom to put my stuff in using the smallest amount of space and took my shower the steam making his once pine scented bathroom smell like rose and jasmine which hopefully he doesn't  get mad about but I know he will  ,I went to my room and changed into some pajamas red pleaded pants and a oversized grey shirt, I put my hair in a braid and flop onto my bed to sleep

*Time skip*

It had been 2 days since I started using James's bathroom and today will be my last day using it before he gets back from his mission,I had just finished my training so I went into his bathroom to shower since my bathroom still had a few weeks of remodeling which I think stark is delaying it on purpose because usually it would only take a week or so but anyway I was in his shower the steam covering the mirror I didn't bother to close the door since no one is ever in this floor they'd have to get into his room then into the bathroom so I wasn't worried,I left the door cracked open ever so slightly but I of course closed the bedroom door

I was in the middle of washing my hair when I heard a 'bump' in the room but don't think much of it,the steam covers the mirrors and the glass shower doors as I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair I was facing the wall letting the water run down my hair and face, I hear another thud but since the reconstruction of my bathroom was happening right across the hall I figure it was that, I finished showering and was doing my hair routine when I heard footsteps in the room so I decided to check it out, grabbing the pistol I always keep with me I walk out of the bathroom wrapped in my pink towel my hair draped around my shoulders and back water droplets falling from the ends of it I quietly sneak around searching for what could be causeing the footsteps

A tall figure steps out of the closet I quickly raise my gun go and point at them, when I see it's just James, he looked tired but had a surprise look on his face when he saw me  his eyes trailed down mid way before he quickly turned away from me, I looked down and saw my towel fell, I quickly cover myself rushing back to the bathroom coming out a few moments later in clothes

"What are you doing here" he asked "and why were" his blue eyes pierced into my brown ones

Words - 1060

It's kinda like this his bathroom

Sorry I've been busy yall but I'm trying my best to keep writing quicker for yall but I get writers blocked a lot so sorry yall

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Sorry I've been busy yall but I'm trying my best to keep writing quicker for yall but I get writers blocked a lot so sorry yall

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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