She's smart

31 2 0

Age — 4
Natasha age -19
Yelena age - 14

No ones pov ——-
"Mama" natasha looked down at her daughter whit a smile "yes baby?" She picked her up and saw she had a small note pad in her small arms "mr. Ivan said 5 times 3 is 16 but it's 15 and when I corrected him he said I was wrong but I know I'm not wrong look"  she motioned her notepad to natasha and Nat saw her scribbled work

"Angle where did you learn this from they don't even tech this in your class" she asked as she knew that they didn't teach this in Diana's class she's in pre-k they don't even tech them how to add yet

"I passed by the older kids class and I heard mr.ivan say that 5x3 is 16 and he's wrong"  the young mother was shocked but snapped out of it quickly and checked to see if her work was correct and it was

"Hey you will not believe how many pages I need to do in my work book mrs.lada told us to do 5 pages of the work book before class tomorrow and the thing we're learning is hard" yelena announced as she walked into the room taking a seat on her bed

If Diana could do this Nat wondered  if she could do math at yelena's level "Lena let me see a page from your work book"  yelena frowned in confusion but did what her older sister asked

She pulled out the workbook out of her bag and flipped to a page "these are kinda hard actually can you help me?" Yelena asked

Natasha set her daughter down holding her hand and guiding her to yelenas work book "дорогой can you solve this?" Natasha pointed to an equation "Tasha that's a hard one and she's 4 do you really think she'll know that?" Yelena questioned

They both looked at the math problem 'n • 6 =36' nat looked at her little sister "give her a minute"  they both turned their attention to the little girl who seem to be confused by the equation "6" Diana mumbled

"What?" Yelena looked from the baby to her sister "the answer is 6" she repeated "t-that's correct" Natasha stated "shes 4 how did she do that?" They both looked at Diana in disbelieve

"Maybe we should tell her pre-k teacher to see if they moved her to advance math classes"  the blond suggested "yea I think I'll tell her teacher tomorrow"  Natasha agreed "hey D can you solve this one too?" Yelena pointed to another equation on the page '3n+2=17'  Diana looked at the page then look at the ceiling thinking "5?" She questioned before checking her work on the notepad

"Yea 5" Diana handed her notepad to yelena so she could see it, as Natasha stood dumbfounded at her daughter's intelligence "how did you do that?" Yelena asked  "uh well 2-17 =15 so it leaves 3n=15 and 15/3 = 5 so n=5"  yelenas eyes widened "do you want to do the rest of the problems?" Diana nodded and got to work whit a smile

Natasha raised an eyebrow pointing a finger at yelena "Don't take advantage of her smarts Lena"  yelena shrugged "she wants to do it" the red head shook her head "ok but fix the answers or they'll see the difference in the handwriting" yelena nodded and watched in amazement as her 4 year old niece solved equations that she can barely understand

"Mama I have a assignment whit Oxana tomorrow so I might not be back till the next day" Natasha's face soften "what's the assignment angel" Diana finished her work and looks up at nat "we need to get a recording oxana is there for look out" nat nodded and picked up her daughter "well you should go to your class it's movie day isn't it?" Diana nodded and hugged nat before getting out of her moms arms and making her way to the class

___________after the mission_________

"Here" a guard tossed a injured Diana into the room , Natasha was on her bed reading and yelena was on her own bed working in her math book , once they saw Diana on the floor they rushed to her

"Oh my gosh what happened?" Yelena asked as she went for the first aid kit "well we were getting the recording but when we were leaving the security guards got us and they fought us and well they made us stay in a cage for a few days whit out anything that's why the mission took longer but on the bright side the mission was a success" Diana explained Natasha sighed and scooped Diana onto her lap as yelena began cleaning her wounds

"Okay she seems fine besides a few cuts and bruises" mama said after patting her down , they clean her up and the older widow ordered yelena to get her food, which she agreed to since she was also hungry "so tell me what they did when they captured you?" Natasha asked rocking the young girl back and fourth "well they would hit us some times but mostly they just kept us in the cage whit out light or food" Natasha sighed seeing her little baby girl covered in purple bruises "I'm going to gets us out of here someday" she whispered as her younger sister enters the room handing out food


Words - 909
I know it's kinda rushed but I wanted to add another since I haven't posted a new chapter plus I'm eager to get to the new chapter

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