Catching up

36 1 0

Age - 7

It's been a week, mamas coming back next week and aunt lena should be here soon, I've become very protective over Nadia these past few days which is kinda weird and Melina has checked on us whenever she can sometimes she even stays whit us at night so we're not alone I still don't know if I can trust her tho 

"I'm back" I looked towards the door and saw auntie lena walking toward me I would normally hug her but I had Nadia in my arms she looked at me before her eyes locked on the child in my arms "Who's that?" I took a seat on my bed and patted the spot next to me as I sat Nadia on my lap

Yelena saw the look on my face and took a seat next to me "I have an assignment it's for a really long time and I don't think Mama will be here when I leave" Yelena opened her mouth and then closed it taking a minute to think before asking "so what does that have to do with the child" I looked at the girl in my arms "she's my sister for the assignments" I stated, aunt lenas face went pale

"W-what explain your assignment to me" I nodded "So we are supposed to be a family for something I don't know the full thing just that she's my sister and Melina is my mom" Yelena was nodding along but stopped when she heard Melina

"M-Melina?" I nodded I was going to explain more but we were interrupted by a knock on the door "Hey draykov said that you can't miss any more ballet so either put Nadia in the baby room or get someone to watch her-" Melina paused at the door once she saw Yelena

"M-Melina?" Yelena repeated "Yelena" I looked between the two and smiled "Yelena this is Melina she's the one that's supposed to be my mom for the assignment" Yelena didn't take her eyes off Melina even tho Melina kept avoiding her gaze "Diana go to ballet" I saw Melinas serious look so I nodded handed her the baby and left leaving them to talk

When there are babies that still can't walk they stay in a room whit a few guards until they start walking then they start training and go to their designated age division, Nadia would have gone there too but since our assignment is soon Draykov thought it would be more efficient to keep her whit me for the time being

------------------Yelena's pov --------------------

"What are you doing" I crossed my arms keeping a firm stance "We have an assignment" I rolled my eyes "yea I heard, what is the assignment"


"No, absolutely not no" Melina sighed "It's not my choice Yelena I wouldn't do this if I didn't have to" I rolled my eyes if they don't do the mission she'll get punished and if they do I won't see her for a while and nat what would she think of this "when do you guys leave" she shrugged

"In a few days, they haven't given me the specific date yet" No they can't go Nat won't be back by then and she can't leave until Nat comes "No Nat won't be back by then" Melina frowned placing the baby on the bed since she had fallen asleep in her arms "what does this have to do whit, Natasha?" she asked "She wouldn't allow this, you can't do this you're going to do the same thing that you did whit us you can't" My voice was shaking and I kept pacing back and forth

" Why are you so concerned whit this child?" she asked raising an eyebrow I want to tell her maybe that'll change her mind and shell convince Draykov to call it off, but if I do Natasha would be upset, "no reason" She gave me more details about the assignment until Diana came back in, she was in a black leather whit soft pink tights and pink ballet flats

"Aun- you are still here?" She asked looking at Melina "yea we were just catching up" Melina answered "Oh okay, Lena guess what" she said excitedly, so me being me I matched her energy "What is it?" I asked smiling widely

"I heard that ma- Natasha is coming back Tomorrow" she squealed "That's great little Red then you can introduce her to Nadia" She nodded "Well I just wanted to tell you that, I have to go back bye" she smiled and hurried out

"Well I am going to go too, I'll see you around" Melina got up from her seat and pointed towards the baby who was now stirring awake "Do you want me to watch her or do you want to?" I waved my hand signaling that I'll take her but I don't think she got the hint

"No I'll watch her it's okay" She gave me a tight lip smile and left the room

It was kind of awkward I mean now that I think about it our whole interaction was awkward which I guess was expected since we haven't exactly talked to each other since Ohio which was 11 years ago more or less there was the occasional head nod or greeting but we've never talked this long I kinda missed it

She might not have been my 'real' mom but she was all I knew she was a good mom and I kind of missed it, missed her, her pep talks when I didn't want to go to school, or the movie nights we would do every Friday but I especially missed her macaroni and cheese dinner

I sighed seeing as Nadia started to squirm, I wonder what it was for Melina to be told to take care of 2 random kids and treat them as her own and now have to do it again whit Diana I mean she's technically her granddaughter oh my gosh what will Natasha do she's going to hate being apart from her this long

Words - 1015

I feel like this one feels a little rushed idk tho

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