No I'm cooler

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Jarvis: ms, Romanova I have been instructed to inform your there is a meeting in 10 minutes and you are required to attend

I groaned setting my book down on my nightstand and getting off the bed, once I opened my door I saw Bucky had just entered the elevator "Hold the elevator" I shouted lightly jogging towards him, the elevator was on the other side of the hall

The doors were about to close but I was able to slide in before they fully closed "Gee thanks" I rolled my eyes at him and he huffed

The elevator took a good 5 minutes before we reached the meeting room, I entered the meeting room and took a seat next to Sam before turning my attention to Tony who had a little girl whit him

The girl had thin brown hair and sweet brown eyes and I couldn't help but smile at her which she responded whit a shy smile as well

"What is it, Tony?" Bruce of course had to speed up the meeting he always does that but it's not like he had somewhere to be he's always in the lab. "We have a mission" I tried to ignore the girl but my Curiosity got the best of me

"Who's that?" I asked looking from Tony to the girl and then back at Tony. Tony smiled and placed his hands on the girl's shoulders "This is my daughter Morgan" I looked at the girl who shyly waved at me "How old is she" I asked not taking my eyes off the adorable child  "She's 2 almost 3 in a few months" I smiled, while I looked at Tony the girl walked closer to me so I gave her my attention

"Hello I'm Morgan stark,"  she said placing her hand in front of me for me to shake I looked at Tony a bit shocked at how well she could talk for a 2-year-old

"Being the daughter of a genius she's pretty much as smart as a 5-year-old she could do pretty much everything that a 5-year-old could do" I nodded before paying attention to the child again

"Well hi I'm diana Romenova" I gave her a warm smile and she made grabby hands for me to pick her up which I did Morgan looked up at me and then at her dad before her gaze settled on me again "Are you cool like Daddy?" I shook my head no

"No, I'm cooler," I stated whit a sly smirk

"You're not" she replied crossing her arms I nodded my head accepting her challenge

"oh really? watch this" I  set the girl  down and show her my water powers, making a small water fountain and splashing her a little, I watched the girl's eyes fill whit amazement making me smile

"Now can your daddy do that? I didn't think so"

She  giggles before walking back to Tony, I look around to find everyone staring at me, most of them where smiling my mom especially she had an almost proud look, as I  scan the crowd I  see Bucky smiling, that's something I don't think I've seen before- I thought, once he saw I was looking at him he wiped the smile off his face and his happy expression turned to an angry mean one

"Anyway we have a mission since the others won't be back for a while I'm going to need all of you it's nothing big but well need as much help as we can get but Pepper had a last-minute trip so someone has to stay whit morgan" Tony explained once Tony said pepper I leaned over to sam and whispered in his ear "pepper?" I questioned

"Morgan's Mom" Sam clarified I nodded and waited for Tony to finish explaining "So I was going to tell Wanda but Diana can you watch her you guys get along and we might need wands powers I know you have powers too but we're already familiar whit her fighting and stuff" I nodded and the girl came back crawling on top of me and sitting on my lap causing me to giggle at her cuteness

"Ok suit up we leave in 10"  Tony lastly said before going to get ready "Can we go out for ice cream?" Morgan asked wrapping her arms around my neck "Umm well have to ask your dad" Morgan sighed playing whit my hair which was down whit a few braids in it "Hey Friday ask Tony if Morgan and I can go out for ice cream later" morgans eyes lit up at the mention of ice cream and her smile grew wide making me want to awe at her adorableness

Friday: as you wish ms Romanova

Morgan and I played pattie cake waiting for Friday to respond which took a minute

Friday:mr stark declined your request for ice cream

Morgan's smile fell a little which made me a little sad "You know what I remembered " Morgan frowned her brows whit curiosity "I picked her up and walked to the kitchen placing her on my hip

We went to the second freezer which was filled whit all kinds of ice cream since everyone has different tastes "So what do you like?" I asked the child "Strawberry" She exclaimed "Strawberry it is"

I sat her on the kitchen island and scooped her and myself some ice cream "ok let's go" I placed the girl on the floor and we started walking back towards the meeting room taking bites of the ice cream now and then

We waited for them to finish getting ready, me sitting in my original spot and Morgan on my lap eating our ice cream until they walked back in

Tony gave me an 'Are you serious' look so I shrugged "You said we couldn't go out for ice cream you never said ice cream in general" he sighed loudly and went over the last details before they began to get in the quinjet my mom came over and hugged me "don't die" I whispered "I wouldn't dream of it" she kissed my forehead before she hopped on the quinjet and it took off

Words - 1038

Soo how do yall like the past and present thing going on Is it confusing? Lemme know

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