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Diana age - 13
Nadia age- 5

I was doing my math work on my bed relaxing in Nadia and my room, yes Nadia and I now share a room since we didn't come back from the mission in Wisconsin till she was 1 she was no longer in the baby room so Draykov made me change room so I could care for her, now our room is across the hall from my mom and aunt Yelenas room

Anyway I was doing my math work when "Sissy" I heard a soft vvoice wavered as if she was crying, my head shot up instead of focusing on my math book I was now focused on my little sister, I was right she was crying both her hands were on her chin covering it "What's wrong nadi" I began walking towards her as she removed her hands and blood started to spill, a lot of blood

I walked across our room to get the first aid kit and rushed over to my sister, "put your hand on it again" I ordered, picking her up and sitting her on my bed "Okay take it off and here" I gave her a disinfectant wipe, so she can clean her hands while I inspected her wound "Okay, that looks pretty deep you are going to need stitches" I winced, I'm going to have to give her stitches god I hope we still have numbing cream left, I began cleaning her wound, she occasionally winced or hissed at the pain

"Do you want me to do them? Or do you want me to call Mama" Nadia pointed at me "Okay I'll get the stuff, can you tell me how that happened?" I asked as I collected the stuff we needed, yes we do have numbing cream, well there is hardly any I hope it's enough, I got my sutures, and gloves and went back to her "Well when we came back from the mission me and Annie had to go to draykovs office and when we got he got mad that we didn't complete the mission and he threw a glass it hit the wall but one hit me" she explained

Annie is her nickname for her mission partner Anastasia, you see when your 5 or under you either go whit a partner or If the mission is truly important they put you whit an older widow, they do this not because they want to keep you safe but because they don't want you to screw up, Anastasia is a year older than Nadia so the mission was probably not important when it's truly important they pair the young ones whit at least a 10-year-old

I finished applying the numbing cream and was ready to start the stitches "ok you need to stay extremely still, you have some numbing cream but I'm not sure it was enough so it might sting" flicked her cut whit my tweezers "Did you feel that?" she shook her head no so I began, I winced now and then seeing as the needle pierced her skin from one side then the other, I did 4
Stitches in total "And done" she smiled and gave me a hug "Pro tip if you ever get injured as in like getting stabbed or cut and the object is still in you, don't pull it" I commented, taking off my gloves and putting everything back

I turned back to her and saw she was still sad "What's wrong?" she sighed "I have stitches" she cried, I went over and held her "Hey that's not a bad thing, if anything it's good, it shows your tough and if you're lucky you'll get a cool scar" she sniffled before looking at me "really?" I nodded whit a smile "Yup and that would make you cooler than me because I don't have a scar"

That's a lie I have many but if it'll make her feel better then it's better to lie "So I'm cooler than you?" she asked, the corners of her mouth moving upwards "Yes now don't rub it in" I said playfully pushing her face away from me, making her giggle before she quickly hugged me again

"We have like half an hour before your next class what do you want to do?" I question "Poker?" I nodded at her suggestion

When we had the mission in Wisconsin Melina bought poker so when we weren't busy me and her would play, I kept it and now we play whit it most of the time, go fish, match the card, blackjack, and pretty much any game you could do with poker cards we played it


"Hey, you cheated!" Nadia accused "No I didn't" I defended showing her my cards "Yes you did!" she exclaimed "It's go-fish how could I cheat" She crossed her arms "Cheater" she sprouted "Loser" I answer "Meanie," she said sticking her tongue out "Tell you what, we'll do a rematch, and If you win that match you'll win the whole- it's time for class, but well finish this later" she sighed but got up and went to her class nonetheless, I had a class in a few minutes so I cleaned and finished the math work

I made it to class just in time, this was math class one of the easiest classes here "получить вашу книгу на страницы, которые я назначил" I did as she said, luckily I finished the work minutes before I got her so I was prepared, she went around the room checking the books and marking it on her clipboard, then made her way back to the front of the class (Get your book on the pages I assigned)

"Okay now does anyone know what 7x6x5x4x3x2x1/3x2x1x4x3x2x1 is" she questioned writing the equation down on the board, everyone stayed silent until I raised my hand, Mrs.Amki pointed her pencil at me " 35" she nods "can you explain how you got that" she added

"Well everything multiplied by 1 stayed the same so I just canceled out common factors which just left 7x5 which is 35" I explained as the teacher nodded along to what I was saying, this class was pretty easy for me but Mama said I was only allowed to be 3 years ahead so this is the highest ill go

Words - 1058

I'm thinking of doing how Maria and Natasha met and some wandaNat stuff but I don't know if yall would like to see that type of stuff so let me know

The Red widow Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ