Poor sap

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After dancing and jumping and getting drenched, we went inside, I showered and changed then went to find Pietro, we were talking and Loki was with us too but after a while, he decided to go to the library, we in the common area and the rest were scattered around the place some in the kitchen some in the gym some in their office or the lab everyone was doing their own thing, the only people who were in the common area with us was Peter, Bucky, Kate, and yelena, Wanda had called Pietro for something so he abandoned me, I was reading a book when my phone dinged

Mr. Immortal: guess what I did

Uh oh. This can be anywhere from burning down a building to rescuing a puppy or needing me to bail him out of jail, again.

Me: what'd you do now and do I have to be a part of it

I typed before sending "Yes" a voice said from behind me making me jump a little, "how did you get in here?" with his thumb he pointed to the balcony "I climbed the balcony" he said nonchalantly "We are on the 15th floor"
He shrugged and flopped onto the spot next to me on the couch making himself comfortable and by that, I mean putting his feet on the coffee table and stealing my pillow and putting it behind his head "So what'd you do?" He smirked"So I was sitting on the bridge you know minding my business when I saw John-" I instantly covered his mouth looking around to see if anyone heard no one seemed suspicious besides Bucky but I mean he's always like that.

"What" Wade asked confused "Are you blind they will hear you" Wade scrunched his brows "Don't you mean deaf?" He asked I shook my head "no I mean blind" I said in a 'are you dumb' tone "no I'm pretty sure it's deaf" he insists "why would it be deaf" I question "well because I'm talking so if I was deaf it would be like you know  um it would be like I'm deaf because I didn't hear them plus you said 'they'll hear you' which is like I have to be deaf" he defended "no it's blind because you didn't see them- You know what not important" I rolled my eyes and looked around before getting up "come on" we walked to the kitchen and it was empty so we started talking "you were saying" he nodded "what I was saying before you so rudely interrupted is that I saw John and so you know I hadn't been able to get revenge and he just made it so easy to" I sighed "Wade you didn't" he nodded with an enthusiastic smile "I did" My eyes widened "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT," I said louder than I wanted to make everyone turn to me as I lower my voice "what's the issue here I thought you'd be happy" I sighed "Wade he's going to look for me know, when did you do this?"

He shrugged looking up as if he was calculating "A week ago" he recalled, that explains why all of a sudden John had been texting me "And you're just now telling me?!?" He nodded calmly "It didn't seem that important and I was going to tell you when I did it BUT I got distracted" he explained emphasizing the 'but' I rolled my eyes trying to think of what I was going to do

"Wade  has-" Wade cut me off as I began to speak..asshole "Since when are you afraid of him" he raised an eyebrow causing me to scoff "I'm not afraid of him" am I?, "Then why do you worry so much" 

FRIDAY: Mrs. Romanova a man is looking for you at the reception

My heart dropped imagine if it's John, that would be great timing since we were talking about him but kinda creepy also what if he's mad it would be kinda ironic how we were talking about him then he just appeared....anyway 

Since we were in the kitchen Friday announced on the speakers so everyone around the area heard making them turn to me some had smirked the others had a confused look

"Can you show us who" Friday showed a hologram of a guy at the reception desk, it was Dylan a guy I went out with a few nights ago "Oh um tell him I'm not here"   All the girls had now gathered around the table to hear the gossip about him "who's the new guy" Kate started I rolled my eyes "Dylan, a guy I went out with last night" yelena frowned in what I see as confusion? "I thought you were going out with Brayden the curly-haired dude," she asked

"No that was Jake I went out with him on Monday I went out with Brayden on Wednesday" Peter had a confused face as well " I thought you went out with that guy that had the fluffy hair what's his name, Tom?" Yelena shook her head "No Tom had the slick back the fluffy hair was Joe" Kate shook her head "Fluffy hair was Henry Joe was the dude that brought her the 50 books" Wade tilted his head in confusion before adding "No Joe was the dude that bought her the stilettos the books was Arnold" I heard Bucky scoff in the background at all the guys that were mentioned and before anyone else could add anything I cut them off

"Y'all are making me sound a little like a player"

"They're not making you sound like you are a player" Pietro comments as he takes a seat next to Wade "I was just trying to have a little fun" I shrug it's true I want to have some fun plus I get free food and sometimes gifts and they get my company so it's a win-win if you ask me "hey on the bright side she brings us food" Peter defends "oooh yea like that one time she brought us lobster" Kate agreed every time I go on a date I bring the group back a food sometimes it's sushi or lobsters or stake and sometimes cake and stuff like that

"Oooh next time you go on a date can you bring back some ribs?" Wade asks Pietro smacking the top of his head "No bring back some chocoflan?"  Ooh it's been a minute since I had Chocoflan, if you don't know what that is it's a flan 🍮 with chocolate cake layer, I brought it back to them when I went out with Allen a few weeks ago

I hear Bucky scoff and mumble "Getting orders for when you go out again" he had a bitter tone "What was that Barnes?" I raise an eyebrow at his comment "No I'm just saying that you have your friends making lunch orders for the next poor sap that decides to go out with you" he states "At least people are willing to go out with me" he rolls his eyes "whatever" he mumbles walking away

It's been a good minute I had been in writer's block and well this ain't really good because of it but it's easy I posted I was going to wait till I got more ideas but I didn't want y'all waiting for more time so here it is and in working on a new story should I finish it before posting it or should I do the parts like I'm doing with this one

Remember to take care or yourself

And I'll try and post more often

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