Something's off

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"Stark I'm going to need your lab" Tony saw the look on the girl's face so he agreed "Sure I'll tell Friday to give you full access" Diana managed to get a small fake smile before leaving the room

"What was that about?" Yelena asked walking into the room Kate,pietro, and Clint walking behind her "I don't know but she looked upset" Kate answered "I'm going to-"

" Mrs.hill Has arrived" Friday announced as she walked in carrying a thick file in her arms "Maria hey" Yelena greeted, Maria nodded her head in response and then went to the lab

"Somethings up" Clint stated "yea did you see the look on her face," Steve asked which everyone nodded in agreement

The elevator dinged once again this time revealing Nat and Wanda "Hey have you guys seen Diana?" Wanda questioned stepping out of the elevator and walking towards Pietro "yea she's in Tony's lab" Pietro answers side hugging his twin sister "What's going on?" Yelena asked the older read head "She found out some new and it's not  good" Natasha answers looking around "News about what?" Natasha began walking to the lab before answering the blonde "Nadia" Yelena's face lit up before she saw Nat's expression

"What happened?"  Natasha went to the lab whit Yelena following quickly behind "What happened to Nadia" Nat paused before entering "She's dead" Yelena froze "I don't believe that" she murmured

"So what is she doing in there?" She continued "Searching for her or her body" Nat shrugs sadly "Well if she sees the body she can confirm the kill" Yelena looked into the lab and then back at her sister "I'm going to help, oh and by the way Maria's in there"  the blonde walked in leaving her sister at the door

Yelena walked in to find Diana's eyes glued to the computer while Maria scanned papers she had in her hands, she peaked over Diana's shoulder to see what she was doing and saw she was hacking into something

They seemed like they didn't want to be bothered so she walked out to find a very worried Natasha "How is she?" She asked "Well Maria is looking at files and Diana is hacking into something" Natasha nodded at her younger sister "Let's leave them be" The sisters walked back to their room leaving the girls alone

A few hours later ———-

It's about 10 pm and Maria had just gone home, Natasha noticed her daughter hadn't come out so she went to check on her "Hey детка let's go to bed ok? You've been here all day"  Diana nodded not listening to a word she said "yea I'll be there in a sec" Diana waited for Natasha to leave before getting back to work

In the morning ---
Nat's pov ---

I woke up and headed to the training room, after
After a while I made breakfast everyone began walking down except Diana "Hey have any of you seen Diana?" everyone shook their head no

Pietro looked at his watch and then at me "It's 12 she should be down by now" he spoke, "Friday where is Diana?" everyone waited for the AI to answer "She is located in mr, Stark's lab" Yelena made a plate and began walking to the lab "I got it"


The next few days no one had really seen Diana she's been locked in the lab for days now and Nat got worried

"Hey, it's time for bed" Diana nodded not responding to her, nat unsure she heard her continue "Come on"  Diana didn't even flinch at anything her full attention was on the computer

Natasha took this time to look around the room and whit doing that her worry only grew, she saw papers scattered all over the floor and the desks, untouched plates of food on the floor, and undrinked cups of coffee water, and juice around the tables all that had been brought by teammates mainly, Yelena, Wanda, Pietro, and clint

Natasha then took a good look at her daughter, she looked tired her hair was messy and she had dark bags under her eyes that's when she noticed she was still in the outfit she wore the day she began the search

"Diana have you left the lab at all?" the redhead asked "I need to find her" Diana mumbled in response and that answer was confirmation enough "Come on baby" Diana shook her head "She's not dead" she murmured as she kept typing not paying attention to her surroundings

Natasha picked her daughter off the floor and took her out of the room "NO I NEED TO FIND HER" Diana fought "Shhhh you need rest angel"  Natasha passed the common room where everyone was they all turned to her watching her carry her daughter to the elevator "I need to look for her" Diana continued "please" she cried

They made it to her room and Nat tucked her in "Go to sleep D" Once her head hit the pillow she was gone which was understandable since she hadn't slept for 4 days "Oh sweetie " Nat whispered before closing the door and going to the kitchen

She made it to the kitchen and found her girlfriend there "Hey babe" Wanda greeted "Hey" Wanda sensed Nat's sad mood so she came over to her "What's wrong?" Natasha sighed loudly "She hadn't slept in 4 days and I don't think she's eaten either how did I not notice" Wanda saw her girlfriend looked broken "Is she asleep?" Nat nodded

"Ok, how about I make some  food so when she wakes up she can eat" Nat smiled a little "Thanks wands" Wanda hugged Nat giving her a peck on the cheek before getting to work, she got different ingredients out and began cooking

"You go be whit her I'll bring it up when it's done" Wanda's sweet smile made nats smile grow "Thanks again Wands" 

Natasha went back into Diana's room and laied next to her pulling her into her arms and holding her close


Words - 1004

That's that if it's not the best y'all keep in mind I make these at night

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