Steal babies

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Natasha's age - 17
Yelena's age - 12
Diana's age - 2

————————Natasha's pov———————

"I got her" a brow-haired man mumbled into his earpiece as he had me in a chock hold, I fought my way out of his grip and got in position to fight him, but all he did was raise his arms in surrender "We can help you, all you have to do is tell us where they're located" I raised my eyebrow in suspicion and my eyes darted to his suit that had a logo I knew very well one of our strongest enemies, S.H.I.E.L.D  "I know you don't trust me, I'm clint barton" he continued he must've noticed my suspension "are you sure you should be telling me this?" I smirked

"It's nothing you don't already know" he replied, his glance went to the side of me before it came back, I rolled my eyes "You should control where your glance goes" I heard footsteps behind me so immediately I swing my arm around grabbed onto the other person's arm and turned to place the other arm in between their shoulder blade "we can help you" the women repeated, I used my right arm to keep hers in place while I took away her weapons whit my left

"She is my partner, we want to help you" Barton explained, after making sure she didn't have any more weapons I pushed her over making her fall towards Clint "How could you help me?" I asked reluctantly "We can get you out and you can help us take down the organization" the black-haired woman proposed, I slightly relaxed my stance "And how are you planning to do that" I quizzed, the woman shrugged and looked at Clint "we could blow it up?" He stated but it sounded more like a question

"No, that's not a good idea" instantly replied  "And why not?" Clint asked suspiciously "Because there are children, young girls even babies" I answer "Plus it wouldn't be easy if we just blow it up" the women added, I was more relaxed now since I noticed they were too, they no longer seem tense instead they seemed relatively calm "I'm Maria, by the way, Maria Hill" she introduced herself expanding her hand for me to shake, I reluctantly excepted her handshake "Natali- Natasha Romanoff" I'm not sure I can trust them yet it's safer to stick whit a fake name for now

We shook hands for what felt like 5 minutes looking into each other's eyes until someone clears their throat, and the woman whose name I've learned is Maria ignored him "You look young, how old are you?" She asked curiously "Seventeen, and you?" She smirked "Eighteen" once again Clint clears his throat "Enough flirting"  he teased "So we can't blow the place up so what do we do" he added "Whatever it is we do we need to save all the girls" I insisted "why do you care so much about the other girls"  should I tell them they are supposedly the good guys but can I trust them? If I do tell them they might be able to help me get her out

"There are girls I'm especially fond of" I contributed "Who may I ask?" Maria interrogated "My sister and, and my daughter" I hesitantly revealed, their eyes looked as if they were going g to pop out of their sockets "You have a daughter" Clint implored "Yes I have a daughter" I affirmed, eyes widen but the corner of his mouth turned up "how old is she if I may ask" Maria cautiously questioned "she's two" I smiled "is she already training?" Clint grilled "yea as soon as you can walk they put you in training" I explained

They nodded and we began thinking "crap I gotta go" I rushed out noticing it has been an hour I scurried to gather my weapons "Meet back here tomorrow same time" Maria shouted since I was already out of the building, I made my way back to the base a little relaxed since I wasn't going to get in trouble because I had already completed my mission

At the base I entered cautiously, looking around at all of my possible exits, once I got to my room I saw a vent, the same vent I saw the outside of the base, this one leads outside, now for the cámaras, my widow bites, of course, they'll electrocute the system and keep it down giving me enough time to run out

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