chapter 4 Sick day part 1

Start from the beginning

Angel Dust went down stairs

Angel Dust : we got a problem the kid is sick

Husk : must have drawn more of her powers then we thought .

Angel Dust : The two of us also was out for 4 hours ,she ain't use to going out neather .

Charlie : do you know what it could be

Angel Dust : She complaining she's cold yet she's hot like real hot . Nearly fell over too

As Angel Dust was explaining to Charlie and the others what was wrong with Sky , Alastor disided to look into the situation for himself

Alastor without knocking steeped into the dim lit room , Alastor made his way to the bed his red eyes glowing along with bright yellow teeth . To most this most likely would creep them out , but for Sky who has gotten use to Alastor percents thought of it of a jack-o-lantern on Halloween . Alastor placed a warm hand on a more slightly warm Sky forhead

Sky blinked her eyes opend

Sky : hi Alastor

Her voice sounding crackling like she needed a little more then a glass of water .

Alastor: shh you won't feel better if you rest

Alastor taking his hand away

Sky trying her best to hold in a cough trying not to let her sickness pass onto Alastor .

Sky truned her body to the opposite side from where Alastor was at

Sky once done looked at Alastor

Sky : sorry

Alastor: no need to apologize

Sky smiled

Sky : hey Alastor

Alastor: mmm

Sky smiled even wider

Alastor: alright let me hear it

Sky : It was your cooking

Alastor: oh , oh see if I ever cook for you then

Sky was trying to laugh , but more coughing came out

Alastor: shh come now , I know your only fooling around . However my dear young fawn your not going to get well by cracking jokes .

Alastor though Sky was sick leaned in closer but not to close he himself would get to sick .Sky seeing he was getting close held her breath not because of the smell of Alastor, but there again trying not to get the radio demon sick

Alastor: that's my job to crack jokes

Alastor leand back to his upright position
Angel came into the room with a empty bowl, but went into the bathroom to fell it up with water ,and grabbed a washcloths as well

Angel Dust : yes please no jokes here

Angel dipped the cloth fully into the cool water twisted the cloth out and placed the cloth unto Sky's warm head . Sky eyes began to get heavy

Angel Dust : she'll need medicine

Sky : wisky

Angel Dust : wisky isn't medicine ,kid

Alastor: no I think she might be unto something, there is an old recipe my mother made and gave to me . When I was sick warm up the wisky add , cayenne peppers, or ground cinnamon ,and honey. Her family must have given it to her as well

Sky nodded her head

Sky truned her head to cough once more , but this time it was different she had a short of a raspy kinda of noise to it .

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