𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒

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𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙

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"Achoo!" Beomgyu sneezed and covered his nose with his clothed arm. 

Despite the sneeze, he stayed focused on his homework that was laid on his lap, his pen in the strong grip of his dominant hand and tissues scrunched up in the other. 

"Wow you're really sensitive to temperature changes" his coworker, Hajin, remarked as she played with his long hair, parting them into half before tying pigtails. 

"Only at the beginning of the season" Beomgyu mumbled, his right hand busy writing down equations to reach the answer to the math problem. 

It had turned much colder recently, signalling the near end of autumn and the start of winter. The leaves had gradually began to fall from the trees outside, the once vibrant and rust-coloured leaves now clung precariously to the skeletal branches. Streets that were once carpeted with fallen foliage now echoed with the crisp sound of footsteps on chilly sidewalks.

With winter around the corner, it could only mean one thing to Beomgyu. 

Finals were near. The national finals that would determine his future were close. 

Tucked away in the corner of their locker room for the employees, the long haired boy continued to study hard for his exams, wanting to waste no time at all even while waiting for someone to pick him up after work. 

He never had the privilege to get proper tuition or attend cram schools. Competition against those who had extra resources would be extremely tough, and Beomgyu was never the brightest student to begin with, but he had Taehyun. 

It was something that he had learnt recently, that Taehyun was one of the top scorers of last year's national exam. Beomgyu might not have professional help, but he had the best possible tutor he could ever afford. 

"You know it's fine to ask for leave? You can spend your time studying instead of working" Hajin voiced out as she twirled Beomgyu's hair around her finger before bringing them up to the top of his head, forming space buns. 

"I don't know if I should" Beomgyu chewed on his lower lip, "I need money regardless I get into a university or not." 

"Take some days off though" Hajin attempted to convince him and pinned those buns with clips she brought to play with his hair. 

"I'll think about it" the boy mindlessly replied as he studied the next math problem.

It wasn't long before someone came into the locker room with a grin on his face, "Beomgyu, your rich boyfriend is here to pick you up!" 

As soon as he heard that, the long haired boy quickly dumped his study materials into his bag and scurried to the door, not without shouting "he's not my boyfriend!" as he left the room. 

"Wait! Your hair-" Hajin didn't even have time to point it out when Beomgyu had already left. 

The moment Beomgyu spotted Taehyun waiting right outside the door, a smile bloomed on his face. They had been meeting up often to prepare Beomgyu for his exams, and each time Taehyun would seem a little less uptight and less cold. There was warmth beneath his actions, and every time he spoke, his words were gentle, like a comforting glow emanating from genuine sincerity. Though subtle, Beomgyu noticed the thoughtful deeds and small gestures Taehyun had performed. The acts of extra consideration made Beomgyu feel a little special. He had been doubtful at first, but he came to learn that Taehyun was not expecting anything in return. 

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